Meeting 9 (May 24 2023)
Participaton List
- status 5 min each
- There will be c. 1-2 hrs OO
- Question to each:
- which Python testing framework, according to you, is best practice to use today?
- [x] unittest
- [ ] PyTest (CodeRefinery has material already)
- [ ] nose (Links)
- Bonus points if you have a reference to the literature
Intro day
- Restructure again
- Idea
- Intro to programming and state problem
- example matlab script without modularity
- Intro to SDLC and the tools (theory)
- models
- planning
- source/version control
- documentation
- reproducibility and sharing
- collaboration
- testing
- Hands-on
- planning
- pseudocode of example matlab script
- uml of modular
- startup of coding (first iteration)
- coding (python) (copy-paste)
- in-code documentation
- isolated environment (python)
- working dir
- license
- git and iterations
- git init
- branching
- modular
- no testing
- "backup on github"
- collaboration
- deploy
- documentation part 2
- Extra-reading
- Rather important stuff but due to time limitations...