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Lesson plan Autumn 2024

  • Author: Richel
  • Date: 2024-09-11

Week 37

Suggested new schedule

Mu suggestion:

Day Hours Topic Remarks
Monday 1-6 Risk analysis, design More exercises, less theory
Tuesday 1-6 git More exercises, less theory. Add 'Always work in an Issue'
Wednesday 1-3 TDD Not in pair yet, consider adding pseudocode and in-code documentation
Wednesday 4-6 Pair programming In pairs from now on
Thursday 1-3 Testing .
Thursday 4-6 Code reviews Need a dedicated TA to review code
Friday 1-3 Class design More exercises, less theory
Friday 4-6 Create a re-usable module More exercises, less theory

In the schedule to be discussed:

  • Monday morning:
    • Björn: course overview
    • Björn: basic git
  • Monday afternoon: Requirements modeling and risk assessment
    • Lars: Define the project
    • Lars: Make formal requirements model
    • Lars: Make formal risk assessment
  • Tuesday: Git setup and version control, from a reproducible research and social coding/development perspective
    • Organize the project
  • Wednesday:
    • Richel: Test-Driven Development (TDD) and function design
  • Thursday and Friday morning:
    • Richel: Test-Driven Development and class design (TDD)
    • Richel: Implement the project as a package
  • Friday afternoon: Deployment and documentation

Week 36

Suggested new schedule

Day Hours Topic Remarks
Monday 1-3 git basic workflow More exercises, less theory
Monday 4-6 git professional workflow More exercises, less theory. Add 'Always work in an Issue'
Tuesday 1-3 TDD Not in pair yet, consider adding pseudocode and in-code documentation
Tuesday 4-6 Pair programming In pairs from now on
Wednesday 1-3 Testing .
Wednesday 4-6 Code reviews Need a dedicated TA to review code
Thursday 1-3 Data structures .
Thursday 4-6 Function design Consider adding documentation
Friday 1-3 Class design More exercises, less theory
Friday 4-6 Create a re-usable module More exercises, less theory

List of suggested changes

Topic Suggested time Previous time Remark
Risk analysis - Monday not needed for shared project
Use of ChatGPT to generate design documents - Monday Not needed for shared project. No exercise
Object orientated design Consider Friday Monday No exercise. Project state on Friday gives more context
Inheritance Consider Friday Monday No exercise. Project state on Friday gives more context
Creating a local GitHub repo - Monday Not needed for shared project
Markdown markup Consider Friday Monday No exercise. Not needed for shared project
mermaid markup Consider for class design Monday No exercise yet
put Mermaid in a README Consider class design Monday No exercise yet
optimization - Monday not vital to the shared project
documentation Consider function design Monday No exercise yet
pseudocode Consider function design Monday No exercise yet. Not needed for shared project
class list Class design or git basics ?Monday Do class list before class diagram
class diagram Class design ?Monday Do class list before class diagram
TDD TDD Tuesday Before pair programming
Pair programming Pair programming Tuesday After TDD
git merge conflicts Monday - Need exercise for this
git init - Monday Not needed for shared project, can be done on GitHub
git branch -c - Monday can be done on GitHub
git graph - Monday can be done on GitHub
git diff - Monday can be done on GitHub
git show - Monday no exercise
git log - Monday no exercise, can be done on GitHub
git mv - Monday no exercise
git rm - Monday no exercise
big code examples - Monday Simplify to a 'Hello world' program
use multiple files - Monday Simplify to one file
use big files - Monday Simplify to short files
use complex commit graphs - Monday Simplify to simple commit graphs
using more repos - Monday Simplify to only use the shared repo
using git plugin - Monday Simplify by using GitHub network
using GitHub templates - Monday not needed for shared project
using protected branches - Monday not needed for shared project
add using Issues ? - We do use these in the shared project!
using command-line - Monday/Wednesday Remove if can be done with GitHub
use git checkout Monday Monday git checkout works for older versions
Optimization: profiling ? Thursday No time
Optimization: big-O profile ? Thursday No time
aggregation - Friday We don't use it in the project
remove deep - Friday Not needed in the project
Give definition of containers Friday Friday No exercise yet
Compare the types of container - Fridays We use one container max. No exercise yet
build systems - Friday not needed for the project
virtual environments - Friday not needed for the project
venv comparisons usage for different OSes - Friday not needed for project
venv usage - Friday not needed for project
In-code documentation Consider function design Friday No exercise yet.
Licensing - Friday not needed for the project: we give it a license
Static HTML website generator - Friday not needed for the project
making a package and using it Friday - Need to create exercise
Wiki - Friday not needed for the project, no formal terminology

I am happy we voted democratically on what the course goal is and what is yes/no course content.

I do feel the course has been made worse by this. These are my worries:

  • We voted for the coarse goal of 'to give an understanding of formal principles of software development', instead of 'applying formal principles of software development'. I worry that we have failed to reduce lecturing and have failed to reduce lecturing useless content (there are many things I am not convinced of to be useful, even after have seen some of these topic being discussed multiple times; if something is said to be 'essential' does not convince me)
  • We voted for 'Only what is used by the student project is course content, with alternatives relevant to academics provided in lecture (or extra material) to what we do'. I suggested 'Only what is used by the student project is course content' to reduce lecturing. Also here, I worry that we have failed to reduce lecturing