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Day 4 part 1

  • 9:00-12:00
  • Richel
  • Goals:
    • Theory: good algorithms
    • Students develop together on big project
    • Form: use feature branches, use CI scripts, use code review

9:00-9:45 RB

  • Goals:
    • Theory: algorithms
When What
9:00 Theory: algorithms: what is good? Why? Design by contract
9:15 Practice:
9:45 Break, have a break

10:00-10:45 RB

  • Goals:
    • Start big project
When What
10:00 Theory: role of assert, RNG, RNG seed and testing
10:15 Practice (medium): flip_coin, roll_dice
10:45 Break, have a break

11:00-11:45 RB

  • Goals:
    • Theory: Combining functions, is_prime, is_prime_recursion, is_prime_for_loop, is_prime_special
When What
11:00 Theory: combining algorithms (which ones are best?), using internal algorithms
11:15 Practice
11:45 End, stay around for questions


  • owner_name/programming_formalisms_medium_project (in groups of four)