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Day 2 part 2

  • 13:00-16:00
  • Richel
  • Goals:
    • Theory: TDD
    • Students can add, commit, push
    • Students have done multiple TDD cycles
    • Form: group size: 1, use master, no CI scripts, no code review

13:00-13:45 RB

  • Goals:
    • Students can add, commit, push
When What
13:00 Netiquette
13:05 Explain TDD, video 1/3, 5 mins: YouTube
13:10 Demo: is_zero, video 2/3, 16 mins: YouTube
13:26 Introduce exercise: is_even, video 3/3, 3 mins: YouTube
13:29 Start exercise
13:45 Break, have a break. Solution is_even: YouTube

14:00-14:45 RB

  • Goals:
    • Students can do a TDD cycle
When What
14:00 Theory, 7 mins: YouTube
14:10 Practice: is_odd, is_probability
14:20 Theory. Solution is_odd: YouTube
14:30 Practice: is_probability, is_number, are_numbers, is_roman_number, is_prime
14:45 Break, have a break

15:00-15:45 RB

  • Goals:
    • Recap: what is TDD? Why is it important?
    • Reflect
When What
15:00 Bottom line, 4 mins: YouTube
15:04 Practice: is_prime, other easy functions
15:15-15:45 Reflection, by JN
15:45 End, stay around for questions


  • owner_name/is_zero
  • owner_name/is_even
  • owner_name/is_odd
  • owner_name/is_probability