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Introduction of the week

Course mottos

  • Turning scripters into computer scientists
  • Add theory to bolster already present practical skills

Course overview

Programming Formalisms goal

Give scientists with some experience in programming and scripting an understanding of formal principles of software development.

Teach evidence-based or expert-recommended best practices on how to:

  • write design documents for a project
  • work as a team
  • share code
  • develop code
  • test code
  • optimize code
  • write reusable code
  • deploy code

Understand and do formal software development practices:

  • understand, use and create a UML class diagram
  • understand and use a formal git branching model
  • understand and use a formal GitHub workflow
  • understand and practice social coding, such as pair programming and code reviews
  • understand and use a run-time speed profiler
flowchart TD

  classDef bjorn_node fill:#ddf,color:#000,stroke:#00f
  classDef lars_node fill:#dfd,color:#000,stroke:#0f0
  classDef richel_node fill:#fdd,color:#000,stroke:#f00

  subgraph day_1[Monday]
    git_basic[git basic workflow]:::bjorn_node
    class_design[Class design]:::lars_node
  subgraph day_2[Tuesday]
    class_diagram[Create project's class diagram]:::lars_node
    pair_programming[Pair programming]:::richel_node
  subgraph day_3[Wednesday]
    code_reviews[Code reviews]:::richel_node
    git_branches[git branches]:::bjorn_node
  subgraph day_4[Thursday]
    data_structures[Data structures]:::richel_node
  subgraph day_5[Friday]
    modular_programming[Modular programming]:::lars_node

  git_basic --> pair_programming
  pair_programming --> tdd
  git_basic --> git_branches
  pair_programming --> code_reviews
  git_branches --> code_reviews
  class_design --> class_diagram
  class_diagram --> tdd
  git_basic --> tdd
  tdd --> testing
  git_branches --> testing
  code_reviews --> data_structures
  testing --> data_structures
  testing --> code_reviews
  data_structures --> algorithms
  algorithms --> modular_programming
  algorithms --> optimisation

The project

Help us add you to the project repository

Shared document


This is a general course schedule, that intends to give a general overview of the course's teaching. For a detailed daily schedule, see the detailed schedule of that day.

Next iteration of the the course will take place in week 47, i.e. Monday 18th November to and including Friday 22nd November 2024.

Day Time Teacher Subject
Monday 09:00-12:00 Lars Parts from Björn's intro and Class design (in groups, on repo, using web interface only)
Monday 13:00-15:45 Björn Start project git basic on documents (no coding?) (in groups, on repo)
Monday 15:45-16:00 Richel Retrospect
Tuesday 09:00-12:00 Lars Create project's class diagram (using git)
Tuesday 13:00-15:45 Richel pair programming + TDD
Tuesday 15:45-16:00 Richel Retrospect
Wednesday 09:00-12:00 Björn Formal git workflow
Wednesday 13:00-16:00 Richel Formal GitHub and software development work
Wednesday 15:45-16:00 Richel Retrospect
Thursday 09:00-12:00 Richel Data structures (+ algorithms)
Thursday 13:00-16:00 R (+M) Algorithms + Optimisation
Thursday 15:45-16:00 Richel Retrospect
Friday 09:00-12:00 Lars Modular programming deep
Friday 13:00-16:00 Björn Deployment
Friday 15:45-16:00 Richel Evaluation

Detailed overview

flowchart TB

  classDef bjorn_node fill:#ddf,color:#000,stroke:#00f
  classDef lars_node fill:#dfd,color:#000,stroke:#0f0
  classDef richel_node fill:#fdd,color:#000,stroke:#f00
  classDef project_node fill:#fff,color:#000,stroke:#000
  subgraph day_1[Monday]
    git_basic[git basic workflow]:::bjorn_node
    class_design[Class design]:::lars_node
  subgraph day_2[Tuesday]
    class_design_2[Class design]:::lars_node
    pair_programming[Pair programming]:::richel_node
    uml_class_diagram[UML class diagram]:::project_node
    minimal_classes[Minimal classes]:::project_node
  subgraph day_3[Wednesday]
    subgraph testing[Testing]
      testing_framework[Using a formal testing framework]:::richel_node
      continuous_integration[Continuous integration]:::richel_node
      testing_in_a_team[Testing in a team and project]:::richel_node
      unit_tests[Unit tests]:::project_node
      automated_tests[Automated tests]:::project_node
    code_reviews[Code reviews]:::richel_node
    git_branches[git branches]:::bjorn_node
  subgraph day_4[Thursday]
    subgraph data_structures[Data structures]
      expressive_data_types[Expressive data types]:::richel_node
      has_a_relationship[A has-a relationship]:::richel_node
      class_design_in_code[Class design]:::richel_node
      built_in_datatypes[Built-in datatypes]:::richel_node
      has_a_relationship --> |needed for| class_design_in_code
      classes_with_elements[Classes with elements]:::project_node
    subgraph algorithms[Algorithms]
      function_design[Function design]:::richel_node
      recursive_algorithms[Recursive algorithms]:::richel_node
      classes_with_behavior[Classes with behavior]:::project_node
    subgraph optimisation[Optimisation]
      runtime_speed_profiles[Runtime speed profiles]:::richel_node
      runtime_speed_profile[Runtime speed profile]:::project_node

  subgraph day_5[Friday]
    modular_programming[Modular programming]:::lars_node

  git_basic --> pair_programming
  pair_programming --> tdd
  git_basic --> git_branches
  pair_programming --> code_reviews
  pair_programming --> |created| minimal_classes
  git_branches --> code_reviews
  class_design --> class_design_2
  class_design_2 --> |creates| uml_class_diagram
  class_design_2 --> tdd
  git_basic --> tdd
  tdd --> testing
  git_branches --> testing
  code_reviews --> data_structures
  testing --> data_structures
  testing --> code_reviews
  data_structures --> algorithms
  algorithms --> modular_programming
  algorithms --> optimisation

  testing_framework --> |creates| unit_tests
  continuous_integration --> |creates| automated_tests
  has_a_relationship --> |creates| classes_with_elements
  function_design --> |creates| classes_with_behavior
  runtime_speed_profiles --> |creates| runtime_speed_profile

Overview of the course content. Red: Richel. Green: Lars. Blue: Björn. Grey: Project. Project nodes are not connected to obtain a clearer graph

Project overview

flowchart TB
  classDef bjorn_node fill:#ddf,color:#000,stroke:#00f
  classDef lars_node fill:#dfd,color:#000,stroke:#0f0
  classDef richel_node fill:#fdd,color:#000,stroke:#f00

  version_control[Version control]:::bjorn_node
  risk_analyis[Risk analysis]:::lars_node
  uml_class_diagram[UML Class diagram]:::lars_node
  minimal_classes[Minimal classes]:::richel_node
  unit_tests[Unit tests\n+ automated]:::richel_node
  style_tests[Style tests\ne.g. documentation\n+ automated]:::richel_node
  classes_with_elements[Classes with elements]:::richel_node
  classes_with_behavior[Classes with behavior]:::richel_node
  runtime_speed_profile[Runtime-speed profile\n+ automated]:::richel_node
  big_o[Big-O analysis\n+ automated]:::richel_node

  version_control --> uml_class_diagram
  version_control --> risk_analyis
  uml_class_diagram --> minimal_classes
  minimal_classes --> classes_with_elements
  minimal_classes --> unit_tests
  minimal_classes --> style_tests
  classes_with_elements --> classes_with_behavior
  classes_with_behavior --> module
  classes_with_behavior --> big_o
  classes_with_behavior --> runtime_speed_profile
  classes_with_behavior --> deployment
  classes_with_behavior --> refactoring
  style_tests --> documentation
  unit_tests --> runtime_speed_profile
  module --> package
  package --> deployment
  documentation --> deployment

Overview of the course project. Red: Richel. Green: Lars. Blue: Björn.