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Expressive data types

Learning outcomes

  • Practice to use classes for expression
  • Practice to use classes for type safety
  • Practice to use composition for a 'has-a' relationship


You want to combine your variables into bigger things. You want those 'bigger things' to work well with the rest of your code.

When a list is not good enough anymore

Data structure are 'ways to organize your data'.

For simple data structures, using a list can be considered 'good enough':

position = [1.2, 3.4]
def get_x(position): return position[0]
def get_y(position): return position[1]
Is it indeed 'good enough'? Why?

A reason that this is 'good enough' is because it is hard to confusion people. Most people expect a 2D position to have an x and y position. Storing the x and y in a list with two elements in that order will be something close to what most people expect.

However, storing parameters as a list is not 'good enough' anymore:

parameters = [42, 1000, 'uniform', 'uniform']
def get_n_bacteria(parameters): return parameters[0]
def get_n_timesteps(parameters): return parameters[1]
def get_gradient_type(parameters): return parameters[2]
def get_bacteria_initialization(parameters): return parameters[3]
Why is this no longer 'good enough'?

There is no logical order to expect the parameters to be in:

  • Why would the first value be the number of bacteria, instead of the number of timesteps the simulation will take?

Also, reading such a list is too uninformative: which uniform belong to which parameter?

Using a dictionary (dict) can be considered good enough, until you've read up about classes:

parameters = { 
    'n_bacteria': 42, 
    'n_timesteps': 1000,
    'gradient_type': 'uniform',
    'bacteria_initialization': 'uniform'
def get_n_bacteria(parameters): 
    return parameters['n_bacteria']
def get_n_timesteps(parameters): 
    return parameters['n_timesteps']
def get_gradient_type(parameters): 
    return parameters['gradient_type']
def get_bacteria_initialization(parameters): 
    return parameters['bacteria_initialization']

When having read up on classes, one understands these are dictionaries with extra properties, such as a name.

Good data structures increase expressiveness

This is what (part of) the literature states:

  • Express ideas directly in code [CppCore P.1]
  • Explicit is better than implicit [PEP 20]

Here is the code to create a 'something', print it and print its data type:

a = get_a()
Prefer R?
a <- get_a()

The output looks like:

[3.14, 2.72]
<class 'list'>

We cannot read what a is exactly. We cannot express this as a list or a dict. Instead, we can express this is a class.

Here we put our 'something' into a class. Here is the design:

  class Position{

Here is the code:

class Position:
    def __init__(self, any_x, any_y):
        self.x = any_x
        self.y = any_y
    def __str__(self):
        return "(" + str(self.x) + ", " + str(self.y) + ")"
What does this code all mean again?
class Position:

now I am going to define a class called Position.

def __init__(self, any_x, any_y):
    self.x = any_x
    self.y = any_y

To create a Position, the use need to give two things, called any_x and any_y. These are stored inside of the class as x and y.

def __str__(self):
    return "(" + str(self.x) + ", " + str(self.y) + ")"

When asked for its value, return the x and y between braces separated by a comma.

Using the implementation of get_a like this:

def get_a():
    return Position(3.14, 2.72)

Then running the same code again:

a = get_a()

Now results in

(3.14, 2.72)
<class '__main__.Position'>
This does not show the word 'Position'?

Then add this to the class:

def __repr__(self):
    return "Position"

Resulting in the complete class:

class Position:
    def __init__(self, any_x, any_y):
        self.x = any_x
        self.y = any_y
    def __str__(self):
        return "(" + str(self.x) + ", " + str(self.y) + ")"
    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Position'

> When asked for its data type, return the word 'Position'.

Aha, a is a position!

We can even test that:

assert str(type(a)) == "<class '__main__.Position'>"

Exercise 1: use your own class

  • Pick a class to design at your skill level:

    • Easiest: the worked-out position class, work in src/learners
    • Medium: the parameters class as shown above, work in src/learners
    • Hardest: one in the learners' project, work in src/bacsim
  • Write the definition of the classes

Answer for the position class

This is the code of the class:

class Position:
    def __init__(self, any_x, any_y):
      self.x = any_x
      self.y = any_y
    def __repr__(self):
        return "Position"
    def __str__(self):
        return "(" + str(self.x) + ", " + str(self.y) + ")"
Answer for the parameters class

Modify the Position class :-)

  • Use the class in a function, e.g. create_test_x
Answer for the position class

This is the code:

def create_test_position():
    return Position(3.14, 2.72)

a = create_test_position()
Answer for the parameters class

Modify the answer for the Position class :-)
