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Retrospective 2024-04-23

Continue: What went well?

  • Pair programming
  • Exercises sessions were dynamic and fun
  • Pair programming was very instructive and fun.
  • All the parts were a new way of seeing the process take form so I think all the exercises went well.
  • Really fun with pair programming and learn from eachother.

Improve: Which section(s) scheduled enough time for exercises?

  • All was okay
  • All exercises were very stressful since you have to do a reset/context switching everytime we change breakout rooms. Spend time on finding correct files and material.

Stop: What held us back?

  • I didnt feel anything hold us back today
  • Maybe too simple of exercises
  • Technical issues. Not so much time to spend on the actual exercise.

Invent: What can we improve?

  • A small section about what merge conflicts are and how to resolve them
  • I didnt have any issue that has to be inprove.It went well.
  • I think the first pair programming exercise was a little confusing since we did not have to both work on a same document. Maybe task to create a simple for loop where we individually have to contribute to a single def?
  • Add some complementary exercises if there is available time
  • I think it was very interesting
  • More time to read through the exercise.

Action points by teachers

  1. All exercises were very stressful since you have to do a reset/context switching everytime we change breakout rooms. Spend time on finding correct files and material.
  2. More time to read through the exercise.

We understand that this can be felt like that. We do think this is worth it above the alternative of not using different partners. Maybe we should have been more clear that it is perfectly fine and expected that it tales to find the correct files and material..

  • TODO: Richel mentions this tomorrow
  1. Maybe too simple of exercises
  2. Add some complementary exercises if there is available time

We wonder what this is about. Here we discuss for each teacher:

  • Lars: more complex design structure would water down the exercise
  • Richel: I am happy to hear this! My exercises should be simple, as it is the workflow (indeed, with many technical problems) that is the goal of the exercise

We do agree that one can feel that the exercises too simple!

  • [ ] TODO: Richel mentions this tomorrow
  • [ ] TODO: Lars adds a second tier of exercises
  • A small section about what merge conflicts are and how to resolve them

We agree, this should have been discussed on Monday

  • [ ] TODO: Björn: consider discussing merge conflicts on Monday

I think the first pair programming exercise was a little confusing since we did not have to both work on a same document. Maybe task to create a simple for loop where we individually have to contribute to a single def?

Completely agree! Richel will restructure this better, as indeed, it feels (and he said so too!) unnatural.