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Teachers are learners too. Please help us improve by sharing your opinion. Ideally, it is something fixable, e.g. 'My camera did not work' is something we cannot fix, but 'I had no way to interact (as my camera did not work) and the Zoom chat was not listened to' is.

Continue: What went well?

  • The content of all lectures was great and the starting level was perfect (for me at least).
  • Really clear material, easy to follow. I really enjoyed the exercises in the breakout rooms, it makes it easier to work and put in practice what we learnt today.
  • It was clear instructions and easy to follow the lectures. Very interesting content.
  • Learned how to find the requirements for the software development from a particular topic.
  • Breakout room exercises and discussions
  • Orientations on the course. structure of the course, format of the organization. theory combine with practice. interactive teaching is also good.
  • I have learned a lot in the first day. The instruction was very well.
  • Exercises with breakout rooms, setting up group github repository
  • Clear instructions on the course materials

Improve: Which section(s) scheduled enough time for exercises?

  • Time allocation works fine for all sections
  • The schedule was fine.
  • The schedule was ok, we had enough time.
  • The exercises were well scheduled.
  • more time for break.
  • Every section had ample time

Stop: What held us back?

  • some technical issues with connecting github account to the course.
  • More reading materials and relevant recipes for exercises
  • I have enough time to understand all session

Invent: What can we improve?

  • More content on the HPC workflow management?
  • Yes I agree with that, some more on how to write workflows
  • Maybe present the exercise before a break so we have the time to read the intructions on what to do? It was kind of hard to grasp on the fly what to do. At least for the last one. However, the breakout room session compensated for it because the things that I did not get my breakout roomies explained to me and vice versa.
  • Agre with the upper comment on the exercise instructions.
  • More exercises and materials
  • Instructions on combining different languages into one software
  • How to use pytest
  • Actually there was a lot of information to consume in a certain time is kinda hard and Every topic is very importent. so sometime it takes a lot of effort to take it all in that time.

Action points by teachers

  • We agree that breaks should be for breaks
  • We think it would be good that learners don't read instructions in breaks
  • Already done: session 'Deployment' has HPC, where one does not have sudo rights
  • Already done: session 'Testing' uses a testing framework ('unittest' instead of PyTest, but hey, it's a formal testing framework)
  • We don't have workflows in the course yet. We often discuss what to put in yes/no and we feel now the other topics are even more important
  • We don't have instructions on combining different languages in the course yet. We often discuss what to put in yes/no and we feel now the other topics are even more important
  • There is indeed a lot of information. We often discuss what to put in yes/no. We could not settle on an algorithm to determine what is to be in the content. The 'why'/'what'/'when'/'where' should be there