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Function design

Learning objectives

  • Understand design by contract
  • Understand algorithm names increase expressiveness of code
  • Understand difference between if and assert in function writing



How do I write functions [1] that are:

  • easy to use
  • correct
  • fast [2]


  • [1] For now, we use algorithm == function, as the definition of an algorithm is 'a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end' [dictionary definition]
  • [2] pick any vague definition

What is a good function?

A good function ...

. . .

  • Sometimes: is documented [Ram, 2013] [tidyverse style guideline of functions]
  • Is small [Martin, 2009] @cpp_core_guidelines_functions [tidyverse style guideline of functions]
  • Has a good (😇) name [Martin, 2009] @cpp_core_guidelines_functions [tidyverse style guideline of functions] @pep_20 @hitchhikers_guide_to_python_general_concepts
  • Is easy to use correctly and hard to use incorrectly @meyers2005effective @cpp_core_guidelines_functions @pep_20
  • Does one thing correctly [Martin, 2009] @cpp_core_guidelines_functions [tidyverse style guideline of functions]
  • Is tested @martin2011clean @cpp_core_guidelines_functions [tidyverse style guideline of functions]
  • Raises helpful exceptions [Martin, 2009] @cpp_core_guidelines_functions [tidyverse style guideline of functions] @pep_20
  • Fast iff needed @cpp_core_guidelines_functions

Design by contract

Source: Wikipedia

A good function is documented

def sort_1(x):
  """Sort list `x` in-place. 

  Returns nothing

def sort_2(x):
  """Sort list `x`.

  Returns the sorted list.

assert sort_1.__doc__
assert sort_2.__doc__
#' Sort list `x` in-place.
#' @param x a list
#' @return nothing
sort_1 <- function(x) {
  # ...

#' Sort list `x`
#' @param x a list
#' @return the sorted list
sort_2 <- function(x) {
  # ...

# Check if functions have documentation here

Mandatory in some contexts [Ram, 2013] [tidyverse style guideline of functions]

A good function has a good name

There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things

Phil Karlton

  • starts with a verb [tidyverse style guideline of functions]
  • readable @pep_20
  • intention-revealing [Martin, 2009]
  • pronounceable [Martin, 2009]
  • searchable [Martin, 2009]
  • not cute [Martin, 2009]
  • no pun [Martin, 2009]
  • carefully @cpp_core_guidelines_functions

Examples of bad function names?

Could you give examples of bad function names?

. . .

  • calculate: calculates what?

. . .

  • calc_bfgt: calculates what??

. . .

  • prime: a prime number is a data type. What does this function do?

. . .

  • needleman_wunch: this is a technique to get a DNA alignment.

. . .

Example 1

Imagine two DNA sequences:

 *        x

How would you call the algorithm that detects the location of the * (but not of the x, as the * comes earlier)?

Solutions 1

  • get_first_mismatch_pos, get_first_mismatch_locus, find_first_mismatch_pos, find_first_mismatch_locus
  • you answer that ...
    1. starts with a verb
    2. is as English as possible
    3. only uses common abbreviations

Example 2

Imagine two DNA sequences:

 *        *

How would you call the algorithm that detects all the locations of the *s?

Solutions 2

  • find_mismatch_positions, find_mismatch_loci, get_mismatch_positions, get_mismatch_loci
  • you answer that ...
    1. starts with a verb
    2. is as English as possible
    3. only uses common abbreviations

Example 3

Imagine two DNA sequences:


How would you call the algorithm that makes the sequences have as much similarities as possible, by possibly inserting a -


Solutions 3

  • align_seqs, align_sequences, align_dna_sequences, align_dna_seqs, calc_aligned_seqs, get_aligned_seqs
  • you answer that ...
    1. starts with a verb
    2. is as English as possible
    3. only uses common abbreviations

A good function has a clear name

A function has a clear interface 1/3

Comment on this function from Pythonpool:


def Prime(no, i):
    if no == i:
        return True
    elif no % i == 0:
        return False
    return Prime(no, i + 1)

. . .

Function names start with lowercase character, name does not start with a verb, input is not checked, clumsy interface:

assert Prime(2, 2)
assert Prime(3, 2)
assert Prime(3, 3) # Nothing stops me!
assert not Prime(4, 2)
assert Prime(5, 2)

The classic on refactoring is @fowler2018refactoring.

A function has a clear interface 2/3

Comment on this function again:

def is_prime(no, i = 2):
    assert isinstance(no, int)
    assert isinstance(i, int)
    if no == i:
        return True
    elif no % i == 0:
        return False
    return is_prime(no, i + 1)

. . .

  • Clumsy interface:
assert is_prime(2)
assert is_prime(2, 2) # Nothing stops me!
assert is_prime(3)
assert not is_prime(4)
assert is_prime(5)

A function has a clear interface 3/3

Comment on this function again:

def is_prime(no):
    if not isinstance(no, int):
        raise TypeError("'no' must be integer")
    return is_prime_internal(no)

def is_prime_internal(no, i = 2):
    assert isinstance(no, int)
    assert isinstance(i, int)
    if no == i:
        return True
    elif no % i == 0:
        return False
    return is_prime_internal(no, i + 1)

assert is_prime(2)
assert is_prime(3)
assert not is_prime(4)
assert is_prime(5)

. . .

I think it is OK, please correct me :-)

A function does one thing correctly

F.2: A function should perform a single logical operation, hence don't:

def do_x_and_y(): pass



def do_x(): pass

def do_y(): pass


You rarely need and in a function name. Possible exception: mean and standard deviation

What is a good function?

A good function:

  • Has a clear name
  • Does one thing correctly
  • Is tested
  • Gives clear error messages
  • Is documented
  • Fast iff needed

A good function is tested

Example 1

Imagine two DNA sequences:


The function align_dna_seqs aligns two DNA sequences to this:


Which tests would you write?

Solutions 1

assert align_dna_seqs(
  ) == { 
assert align_dna_seqs( 
) == 

What is a good function?

A good function:

  • Has a clear name
  • Does one thing correctly
  • Is tested
  • Gives clear error messages
  • Is documented
  • Fast iff needed


  • [dictionary definition]
  • [Martin, 2009] Martin, Robert C. Clean code: a handbook of agile software craftsmanship. Pearson Education, 2009.
  • [Ram, 2013] Ram, K. "rOpenSci-open tools for open science." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 2013. 2013.
  • [tidyverse style guideline of functions]