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Learning objectives

  • Understand design by contract
  • Understand algorithm names increase expressiveness of code
  • Understand difference between if and assert in function writing


How do I write functions [1] that are:

  • easy to use
  • correct
  • fast [2]


  • [1] For now, we use algorithm == function, as the definition of an algorithm is 'a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end' @dictionary_algorithm
  • [2] pick any vague definition

  • Function design

  • assert
  • Recursive algorithms


  • Function design is hard
  • Documentation helps
  • TDD helps
  • assert helps

Course material

Description PDF HTML QMD
Algorithms lecture algorithms_lecture.pdf algorithms_lecture.html here

🚧 the code layout-ed items will become links in the future 🚧