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Reminder email, 1 week left

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This email is sent out to all learners one week in advance

For coordinators: progress

This email has been sent to all learners to and including at timestamp 27/02/2025 17:43:35

Reminder to Intro to Python course of 2025-03-04

Dear learners,

Again, welcome to the 'Intro to Python' course of 2025-03-04!

I've prepared videos on how to login and how to start Python on these HPC clusters:

  • Alvis
  • Bianca
  • Dardel
  • Kebnekaise
  • Rackham
  • Tetralith

If your favorite HPC cluster is missing, you are encouraged to contact me and I will happily add answers/documentation/videos for your cluster.

If you have any questions, never hesitate to contact me.

Please make sure you've done all your prerequisites and if yes, see you on March 4th 9:00 (sharp!) at the Zoom room below this email.

Thanks and cheers, Richèl Bilderbeek, NAISS 'Intro to Python' main teacher

[Zoom invite text]