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File transfer using rsync

Learning objectives

  • Practice using the documentation of your favorite HPC cluster
  • Can transfer files using rsync
For teachers

Teaching goals are:

  • Learners have practiced using the documentation of their favorite HPC cluster
  • Learners have transferred files using rsync

Lesson plan:

  title File transfer using rsync
  dateFormat X
  axisFormat %s
  section First hour
  Prior : prior, 0, 5s
  Present: present, after prior, 2s
  %% It took me 6 mins, here I do that time x2
  Challenge: crit, challenge, after present, 12s
  %% Here I use the same time it took me to give feedback
  Feedback: feedback, after challenge, 6s

Prior questions:

  • How can one do a file transfer from the terminal?
  • Can you name some programs that can do file transfer from the terminal?
  • Who has heard of rsync?
  • Who has already used rsync?


Fairly sure you'll want to upload or download files to your favorite HPC cluster. Here we do so.

We use a free and open-source graphical tool to do this, called rsync. It works under Linux, Mac and Windows.


Need a video?

Here TODO is a video that shows the solution of these exercises

Exercise 1: transfer a file

Use the UPPMAX documentation for help.

  • Search for the procedure on how to transfer a file to/from Rackham using rsync
Where is that documentation?

The procedure can be found at

the UPPMAX page on using rsync on Rackham

  • Copy a file from your local computer to your Rackham home folder. Verify this worked.
  • Copy a file from your Rackham home folder to your local computer. Verify this worked.