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Learning outcomes

  • Can find an overview of the course
  • Have seen the file transfer tools at this course
For teachers

Teaching goals are:

  • Learners can find an overview of the course
  • Learners have seen the file transfer tools at this course

Lesson plan:

  title Introduction
  dateFormat X
  axisFormat %s
  section First hour
  Prior : prior, 0, 5s
  Present: present, after prior, 2s
  %% It took me 7 mins, here I do that time x2
  Challenge: crit, challenge, after present, 14s
  Feedback: feedback, after challenge, 7s

Prior questions:

  • What is a file tranfer?
  • What does one need to do a file transfer?
  • How does it look like to do a file transfer?
  • Can you name some programs that can do file transfer?


Here is an overview of the sessions and their relations:

flowchart TD
  account[Account for HPC cluster]
  filezilla[1.Transfer files using FileZilla]
  login_console[2.Login to console environment]
  rsync[3.Transfer files using rsync]
  scp[4.Transfer files using scp]
  sftp[5.Transfer files using sftp]

  account --> filezilla
  account --> login_console
  login_console --> rsync
  login_console --> scp
  login_console --> sftp

As per prerequisites:

  • you already have an account at an HPC cluster
  • you can already log in to a console environment at your HPC cluster using SSH

Here is an overview of the file transfer tools in this course:

Tool Features
FileZilla Graphical, intuitive, simple
rsync Terminal, powerful, flexible, feels like a regular file copy
scp Terminal, simple, feels like a regular file copy
sftp Terminal, simple, feels like a file transfer portal