Registration form¶
- Title: Transferring files to/from HPC Clusters - March 7 2025 (online)
Workshop website:
- First and last name
- Department. University and institution/department which you are employed at.
- Position. E.g.: PhD student, postdoc, ...
Do you have a SUPR account?
- Yes
- No
Do you have an account on any academic cluster? A user and compute account is required. If you don't have that yet we will help you.
- Yes
- No
If yes, where?
What type of computer will be using during the course?
- Windows PC
- Mac OS X PC
- Linux PC
- Tablet or other mobile device
What would you like to learn during the workshop?
- Uppsala University Data protection policy,
I understand and agree that UPPMAX will collect the information on this registration form.
- mandatory checkbox