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File transfer

Goal of this exercise is:

  • to practice using HackMD
  • getting to know your prior knowledge

Below are three tallies, such as this example:

What is X?

- [ ] A
- [ ] B

Pick one character for you, e.g. * or R or ? or whatever (duplicates are fine!). Between the [ ] you agree on, write that character. In the end this may look like:

What is X?

- [s#k%vq*#6] A
- [q.vR] B

Now we know 9 people think A is the answer, where 4 people think it is B.

1. My favorite way to transfer files to/from Bianca now is using:

  • [xjsr] FileZilla
  • [ ] fuse-sshfs and mounting the wharf
  • [ ] lftp
  • [Z] rsync
  • [ ] scp
  • [sl] sftp
  • [ ] sshfs and mounting the wharf
  • [ ] Rclone
  • [ ] WinSCP
  • [ ] other

2. About rsync:

  • [ r] I have never followed a lecture on rsync, I don't know what it is
  • [sL] I have never heard a lecture on rsync, but I've never gotten it to work
  • [j] I have never heard a lecture on rsync, I have gotten it to work, but don't use it in practice
  • [Z] I have never heard a lecture on rsync, I have gotten it to work, and use it
  • [x] I have heard a lecture on rsync, but I've never gotten it to work
  • [] I have heard a lecture on rsync, I have gotten it to work, but don't use it in practice
  • [ ] I have heard a lecture on rsync, I have gotten it to work, and use it

3. About FileZilla:

  • [ ] I have never followed a lecture on FileZilla, I don't know what it is
  • [ ] I have never heard a lecture on FileZilla, but I've never gotten it to work
  • [] I have never heard a lecture on FileZilla, I have gotten it to work, but don't use it in practice
  • [slj] I have never heard a lecture on FileZilla, I have gotten it to work, and use it
  • [r] I have heard a lecture on FileZilla, but I've never gotten it to work
  • [ ] I have heard a lecture on FileZilla, I have gotten it to work, but don't use it in practice
  • [] I have heard a lecture on FileZilla, I have gotten it to work, and use it


If you leave early, an evaluation can be found at Please share your thoughts with us there, thanks!

IDE pick

We pick the winning IDE democratically:

In the shared document, add a character before each IDE you'd be interested in, between the [ ] of each option. This will be messy. You can vote for 0, 1, 2 or 3 IDEs.

It may look like below, where there is a preference for Jupyter:

- [,a/b*efgh!] Jupyter
- [a/d,h] RStudio
- [cd!h]VSCodium

Here it is for real:

  • [ ] Jupyter
  • [ ls] RStudio <------- WINNERR
  • [ a] VSCodium

Questions on file transfer

  • Q: [Sakshi] I use FileZilla to transfer between local machine and a remote one. Can Filezilla be used to transfer between two remote servers?

    • A: [Richel] No, as far as I know, one cannot. I learned this from , I quote: 'FileZilla does not allow any kind of transfer between two remote systems using any protocol'. I feel this is correct, but I can be wrong!
  • Q: [Sakshi] From Bianca wharf rsync/sftp can only transfer between two remote servers if they are part of UPPMAX. Is that correct?

  • A: [Richel] (sorry for mixing you up :-) ) You may be right: I think one can rsync directly between Rackham and Bianca (but I can be wrong!). It is for sure the purpose of Transit to connect any two NAISS clusters, so mounting two 'wharfs' can/should be done there. How to mount a second NAISS cluster, I am unsure: I've never done that