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At which dates is the course?

See course dates

When Who What
9:00 R Introduction
9:10 R Prevaluation
9:20 P Transferring files p1 (includes login)
10:00 . Break
10:15 P Transferring files p2
10:45 R Efficient jobs
11:00 . Break
11:15 R Efficient jobs
11:20 R Complex jobs
11:40 R Replicate jobs
12:00 . Lunch
13:00 B Software and packages installation p1
13:50 . Break
14:00 B Software and packages installation p2
14:40 BR IDEs on Bianca p1
14:50 . Break
15:05 L IDEs on Bianca p2
15:40 R Summary
15:45 R Evaluation
15:45 All Optional Q/A
16:00 . END
  • Who: B: Björn, P: Pavlin, R: Richèl