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Replicate jobs

Learning outcomes

  • Practice using the UPPMAX documentation
  • I can schedule a job that has replicates
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Watch it on YouTube here.

For teachers

Teaching goals are:

  • Learners have practiced using the UPPMAX documentation
  • Learners have scheduled a job that has replicates

Lesson plan:

  title Replicate jobs
  dateFormat X
  axisFormat %s
  section First hour
  Course introduction: done, course_intro, 0, 10s
  Prior : intro, after course_intro, 5s
  Present: theory_1, after intro, 5s
  Challenge: crit, exercise_1, after theory_1, 40s
  Break: crit, milestone, after exercise_1
  section Second hour
  Challenge: crit, exercise_2, 0, 10s
  Feedback: feedback_2, after exercise_2, 10s
  SLURM: done, slurm, after feedback_2, 25s
  Break: done, milestone, after slurm

Prior questions:

  • You have a simulation that uses randomness. You want to run it 1000 times. How would you do that?


You have a simulation that uses randomness. You want to run 1000 replicates of it. How would you do that?

The simulation

This is the bash script of a simulation, called

echo $((1 + ($RANDOM % 6))) > result_$1.txt

It simulates a dice throw.

This is a toy simulation instead of a real simulation: there is no need to burden an HPC cluster with a real simulation to learn how to use job arrays.

Methods to run replicate jobs

There are multiple methods to run replicate jobs, these are the methods shown in this session:

Method Features
Slurm job arrays Slurm does the replication for you, Slurm friendly
Use a bash for loop Need to write the replication and interaction with Slurm

Replicate jobs using bash

This is the bash script to run replicate jobs using bash, called

for i in {0..10}
  sbatch -A sens2023598 ${i}

Run it by:


Replicate jobs using a job array

This is the bash script to run replicate jobs using a Slurm job array, called

#SBATCH --array=0-10

Run it by:

sbatch -A sens2023598


Exercise 1: run replicate jobs using Slurm job arrays

(optional) Exercise 2: run replicate jobs using bash