Bianca In-Depth Hackathon: Improve Your Handling of Sensitive Research Data¶
Learning outcomes
- Know where to find an overview of topics discussed today
- Know where to find the link to the shared document
- Know where to find the schedule
For teachers
Prerequisites are:
- Link to shared document
Preparations are:
- Shared document must contain:
- a proper header with specifics: Zoom room, Bianca project, etc.
- already redirect to evaluation at bottom
- evaluation at the bottom
Teaching goals are:
- Learners know where to find an overview of topics discussed today
- Learners know where to find the link to the shared document
- Learners know where to find the schedule
Lesson plan:
Prior questions:
- What do you think about when you think about Bianca?
- How would you like to improve your Bianca experience?
Are you already working with sensitive data in your research and feel your workflow can be improved? If yes, welcome to a full day of learning of smarter ways to work on the Bianca UPPMAX cluster.
Help! I am new to Bianca, where do I start instead?
As a beginner, you are encouraged to start with the beginner Bianca course.
This course assumes you have worked with Bianca for longer and there is no time scheduled to get a Bianca beginner up to speed.
Course shared document
The course shared document can be found at:
It contains exercises, room for questions and room for feedback.
To view the shared document in both text and rendered form, click on the button in the top between the pen and eye.
Regarding questions:
- create a new line for new questions
- take care if others are editing at the same time
- the more teaching assistants available, the quicker questions are answered
- some questions may be answered after the workshop