Complex jobs¶
Learning outcomes
- Practice using the UPPMAX documentation
- Practice using the Slurm documentation
- I can manually schedule a minimal workflow of jobs that depend on each other using Slurm
- (optional) I can write a script to schedule a minimal workflow of jobs that depend on each other using Slurm
- (optional) I can schedule a minimal workflow of jobs that depend on each other using Nextflow
- (optional) I can schedule a minimal workflow of jobs that depend on each other using Snakemake
- (optional) I can schedule a minimal workflow of jobs that depend on each other using GNU make
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For teachers
Teaching goals are:
- Learners have practiced using the UPPMAX documentation
- Learners have practiced using the Slurm documentation
- Learners have manually scheduled a minimal workflow of jobs that depend on each other using Slurm
- (optional) Learners have written a script to schedule a minimal workflow of jobs that depend on each other using Slurm
- Learners have scheduled a minimal workflow of jobs that depend on each other using Nextflow
- (optional) Learners have scheduled a minimal workflow of jobs that depend on each other using Snakemake
- (optional) Learners have scheduled a minimal workflow of jobs that depend on each other using GNU make
Lesson plan:
title Complex jobs
dateFormat X
axisFormat %s
section First hour
Course introduction: done, course_intro, 0, 10s
Prior : intro, after course_intro, 5s
Present: theory_1, after intro, 5s
Challenge: crit, exercise_1, after theory_1, 40s
Break: crit, milestone, after exercise_1
section Second hour
Challenge: crit, exercise_2, 0, 10s
Feedback: feedback_2, after exercise_2, 10s
SLURM: done, slurm, after feedback_2, 25s
Break: done, milestone, after slurm
Prior questions:
- You do a computational experiment that has multiple steps. How do you do it?
- To reduce checking on jobs to finish
- To reduce to manually start jobs
Use case¶
Imagine a computational experiment that takes three steps:
flowchart TD
a --> c
b --> c
Example setup of a computational experiment.
can run in
can only run
have finished.
The first two can be run in parallel:
After this, you wait. You check regularly if the jobs have finished. When both jobs have finished, you do:
You wonder: can this be set up in such a way that does not require your attention anymore when running?
Scripts for this use case¶
Ways to run complex jobs¶
There are multiple ways to run complex jobs:
Tool | Features |
Slurm | Can be done on the command line or bash scripts, no help |
A workflow manager | See the section on workflow managers |
Complex jobs in Slurm from the command-line¶
You can tell Slurm to start a job after a job has finished with an OK:
$ sbatch -A sens2023598
Submitted job with id: 5000000
$ sbatch -A sens2023598
Submitted job with id: 5000001
$ sbatch -A sens2023598 --dependency=afterok:5000000:5000001
Submitted job with id: 5000002
The Slurm documentation on sbatch shows more options.
Complex jobs in Slurm from a script¶
You can do the same in a script like this:
job_id_a=$(sbatch -A sens2023598 | cut -d " " -f 4)
job_id_b=$(sbatch -A sens2023598 | cut -d " " -f 4)
sbatch -A sens2023598 --dependency=afterok:${job_id_a},${job_id_b}
This script uses two variables (job_id_a
and job_id_b
which are the job IDs of the first two jobs and uses their values
to specify which jobs to depend on.
A job ID was extracted from the text Submitted job with id: 5000000
using a pipe (|
) to send it to cut
. cut
the takes the fourth field,
where fields are separated by spaces, to obtain the job ID.
Workflow managers¶
For such complex jobs, workflow managers have been created:
Year | Tool | Features |
1976 | make , e.g. GNU make |
Widely used, must use tabs for indentation, file-driven approach, HPC unaware |
2021 | Snakemake | Python-like syntax, data-driven approach, HPC friendly |
2013 | Nextflow | HPC friendly, data-driven approach, has peer-review pipelines |
Complex jobs using GNU make
GNU make is a widely used tool that has been around since 1976 to do complex jobs.
It uses a file-driven approach, i.e. processes create files. When all the files that a process needs are present, it will start that process.
How does the make script of this pipeline looks like?
Here is a file (called Makefile
) that does that same workflow:
The indentation must be done with tabs, not with spaces.
In English, this script is read as:
can be created whena.txt
are present, by
can (always) be created by
can (always) be created by
How to run this make script?
Running this (assuming make
is installed, which it usually is)
for a bash script:
You can submit this job to the job scheduler as usual.
Snakemake features a Python-like syntax.
It's power and complexity is between make
(above) and Nextflow (below).
It is more similar to Nextflow, as it follows a data-driven approach too.
Nextflow is around since 2013 and started with HPC cluster usage in mind.
It uses a data-driven approach: processes produce output in the form of numbers, text and/or files. When a process has all the inputs it needs, it starts.
How does the Nextflow script of this pipeline looks like?
Here is a Nextflow to achieve the same pipeline:
#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
nextflow.enable.dsl = 2
params.scripts_dir = "$projectDir"
process DO_A {
publishDir params.scripts_dir, mode: 'copy', pattern: '*.txt'
path script
path '*.txt', emit: a_output
bash $script
process DO_B {
publishDir params.scripts_dir, mode: 'copy', pattern: '*.txt'
path script
path '*.txt', emit: b_output
bash $script
process DO_C {
publishDir params.scripts_dir, mode: 'copy', pattern: '*.txt'
path script
val a_done
val b_done
path '*.txt', optional: true, emit: c_output
cd ${params.scripts_dir}
echo "Current directory: \$(pwd)"
echo "Contents of current directory:"
ls -la *.txt
echo "Executing: bash $script"
bash $script
echo "After execution, contents of current directory:"
ls -la *.txt
# Copy any new .txt files back to the work directory
find . -type f -name "*.txt" -newer $script -exec cp {} . \\;
workflow {
do_a_script = file("${params.scripts_dir}/")
do_b_script = file("${params.scripts_dir}/")
do_c_script = file("${params.scripts_dir}/")
a_result = DO_A(do_a_script)
b_result = DO_B(do_b_script)
DO_C(do_c_script, a_result.a_output, b_result.b_output)
This Nextflow script is complex mostly because of the architecture of the workflow and can be made more elegant when following a workflow suitable for Nextflow.
The script is created using Seqera's Ask AI and took 40 minutes of dialogue.
How to start that pipeline?
To run the pipeline (and when Nextflow is installed), do:
Nextflow is powerful and can submit jobs for you with/without using Slurm
(it can detect if it is on an HPC cluster!)
and even has a formal
UPPMAX configuration file.
nextflow can optimize your resource allocation by trial-and-error
and has peer-reviewed pipelines maintained by nf-core
Exercise 1: run a job with a dependency from the command-line¶
Here we do the procedure 'by hand':
There are many ways to transfer these files.
One easy way is to copy-paste the scripts' contents
to nano
- Submit
to the job scheduler
- Submit
to the job scheduler, with the dependency that it runs
have finished successfully
(optional) Exercise 2: run a job with a dependency from a script¶
- Copy-paste or write a script
that does this manual setup. Hint:sbatch
returns 4 words if the job was submitted successfully (Submitted batch job 12345678
). One can usecut -d " " -f 4
to select the 4th field when the delimiter is a space.
- Must the script
be submitted usingsbatch
or can it be run directly? Why?
The script
can be run directly, as all it does
is schedule jobs. Scheduling jobs is a light operation.
(optional) Exercise 3: run a job with a dependency using GNU make¶
Use the makefile as shown in this session and get it to run on Bianca.
(optional) Exercise 4: run a job with a dependency using Nextflow¶
Use the Nextflow script as shown in this session and get it to run on Bianca.