Learning outcomes of this course:
- I can log in to the Bianca remote desktop using the website
- (optional) I can log in to the Bianca console environment using SSH
- (optional) I can log in to the Bianca via Rackham
- I can create a minimal executable bash script
- I can use modules
- I can transfer files to/from Bianca using FileZilla
- I can start an interactive session
- I can submit jobs to the scheduler
- I understand the legal aspects of sensitive data
This course and its relation to the Bianca Intermediate course:
%% Direction is top->down
flowchart TD
%% Give a white background, instead of a transparent one
classDef node fill:#fff,color:#000,stroke:#000
classDef focus_node fill:#fff,color:#000,stroke:#000,stroke-width:4px
classDef basic_node fill:#fdd,color:#000,stroke:#f00
classDef basic_extra_node fill:#ffd,color:#000,stroke:#ff0
classDef intermediate_node fill:#dfd,color:#000,stroke:#0f0
%% subgraph sub_basic_use[Basic use of Bianca]
understand_login(Understand login, has 2FA):::basic_node
can_login_to_remove_desktop(Can login to remote deskop):::basic_node
can_login_to_console(Can login to console):::basic_extra_node
can_navigate_filesystem_using_gui(Can navigate filesystem using GUI):::basic_node
can_navigate_filesystem_using_cli(Can navigate filesystem using CLI):::basic_extra_node
can_find_wharf(Can find the wharf):::basic_node
can_use_command_line_1(Can use the command line 1):::basic_node
can_use_modules(Can use modules):::basic_node
can_use_interactive_node(Can use an interactive node):::basic_node
can_manage_files_using_cli(Can manage files using CLI):::basic_extra_node
can_schedule_jobs(Can schedule jobs):::basic_node
can_create_bash_script_using_cli(Can create a bash script using CLI):::basic_node
can_tranfer_files_using_gui(Can transfer files using GUI):::basic_node
%% end
%% style sub_basic_use fill:#fcc,color:#000,stroke:#fcc
%% subgraph sub_intermediate_use[Intermediate use of Bianca]
can_tranfer_files_using_rsync(Can transfer files using rsync):::intermediate_node
can_use_command_line_2(Can use the command line 2):::intermediate_node
can_use_custom_software(Can use custom software):::intermediate_node
can_monitor_jobs(Can monitor jobs):::intermediate_node
can_use_ide(Can use an IDE):::intermediate_node
%% end
%% style sub_intermediate_use fill:#ffc,color:#000,stroke:#ffc
%% Basic
understand_login --> can_login_to_remove_desktop
can_login_to_remove_desktop --> can_login_to_console
can_login_to_remove_desktop --> can_use_command_line_1
can_login_to_remove_desktop --> can_navigate_filesystem_using_gui
can_navigate_filesystem_using_gui --> can_find_wharf
can_login_to_console --> can_navigate_filesystem_using_cli
can_navigate_filesystem_using_cli --> can_find_wharf
can_find_wharf --> can_tranfer_files_using_gui
understand_login --> can_login_to_console
can_login_to_console --> can_use_command_line_1
can_use_command_line_1 --> can_use_modules
can_use_command_line_1 --> can_use_interactive_node
can_use_command_line_1 --> can_use_command_line_2
can_use_command_line_1 --> can_create_bash_script_using_cli
can_use_command_line_1 --> can_schedule_jobs
can_navigate_filesystem_using_cli --> can_manage_files_using_cli
can_use_modules --> can_schedule_jobs
can_create_bash_script_using_cli --> can_schedule_jobs
%% Basic -> Intermediate
can_manage_files_using_cli --> can_tranfer_files_using_rsync
can_find_wharf --> can_tranfer_files_using_rsync
can_schedule_jobs --> can_monitor_jobs
can_use_interactive_node --> can_use_ide
can_use_modules --> can_use_ide
%% Make sure Intermediate is below Basic,
%% using invisible nodes
can_schedule_jobs ~~~ can_use_command_line_2
%% Intermediate
can_use_command_line_1 --> can_tranfer_files_using_rsync
can_use_command_line_2 --> can_use_custom_software
Overview of the courses. Red nodes: Intro to Bianca. Yellow node: Intro to Bianca extra material. Green node: Intermediate Bianca.
Possible next steps:
- Bianca Intermediate course: work better with Bianca
- Programming Formalisms: formal aspects of software development