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What are the course dates?

See course dates

The next intro/basic course will take place March 19th.

When Who What
9:00 R Introduction (this page), login, log in to remote desktop, use the remote desktop
10:00 . Break
10:15 R Log in to console environment, command line
11:00 . Break
11:15 R Create an executable script, use modules
12:00 . Lunch
13:00 P Transferring files to and from Bianca
13:55 . Break
14:05 B Compute nodes and SLURM, including interactive nodes
14:55 . Break
15:10 L Legal aspects of sensitive data
15:30 R Summary and anonymous evaluation
15:45 All Optional Q&A
  • Who: B: Björn, L: Lars, P: Pavlin, R: Richèl