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There are multiple profilers available on UPPMAX. This page describes Valgrind.

Valgrind is a suite of simulation-based debugging and profiling tools for programs.

Valgrind contains several tools:

  • memcheck, for detecting memory-management problems in your program
  • cachegrind, for cache profiling
  • helgrind, finds data races in multithreded programs
  • callgrind, a call graph profiler
  • drd, a thread error detector
  • massif, a heap profiler
  • ptrcheck, a pointer checking tool
  • lackey, a simple profiler and memory tracer

Valgrind works best with the GCC and Intel compilers.

There is a system valgrind-3.15.0 from 2020.

First load compiler:

module load gcc


module load intel

then you can use valgrind by:

valgrind [options] ./your-program [your programs options]

How to use valgrind with MPI programs

Load your compiler, openmpi and the valgrind module as before:

module load gcc/10.3.0 openmpi/3.1.6


module load intel/20.4 openmpi/3.1.6

As of now, Valgrind seems not compatible with openmpi/4.X.X.

Then run:

mpirun -np 2 valgrind ./your-program