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ThinLinc on Rackham

Rackham's remote desktop environment via webbrowser

Rackham's remote desktop environment accessed via a webbrowser

ThinLinc provides for a remote desktop environment for the UPPMAX clusters. This page describes how to use ThinLinc on Rackham.

There are two ways of connecting to the clusters using ThinLinc: using a local ThinLinc client or login using a webbrowser. See ThinLinc for a comparison.

Local ThinLinc client

Rackham's remote desktop environment via a local ThinLinc client

Rackham's remote desktop environment accessed via a local ThinLinc client

See the UPPMAX page 'Login to the Rackham remote desktop environment using a local ThinLinc client'.

Web browser login

Rackham's remote desktop environment via webbrowser

Rackham's remote desktop environment accessed via a webbrowser

See the UPPMAX page 'Login to the Rackham remote desktop environment website'.