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SSH client

An SSH client is a program that allows on to use SSH.

Overview of SSH clients

Operating system SSH Client Recommended? Allows graphics? [1] Description
Linux ssh Yes Yes Start from a terminal
MacOS ssh Yes Yes [2] Start from a terminal, needs install for graphics [2]
Windows MobaXterm Yes Yes Easiest for Windows users [5]
Windows PuTTY Neutral Yes [3] Needs install for graphics [3]
Windows ssh Neutral Unknown Start from CMD, later Windows versions [4]
Windows ssh Neutral Unknown Start from PowerShell [4]
  • [1] The technical question is 'Allows X forwarding', as this is the way graphical displays are allowed
  • [2] After installing XQuartz
  • [3] After installing Xming
  • [4] Untested
  • [5] MobaXterm has a built-in X server

Using ssh with different terminals that do not allow for graphics

  • Start terminal (e.g. from Launchpad) or iTerm2 to run ssh
ssh [username]
  • where [username] is your UPPMAX username, for example ssh
  • iTerm2 goodies:

    • You can save hosts for later.
    • Drag and drop scp
  • Start a terminal (see below) to run ssh:
$ ssh [username]
  • where [username] is your UPPMAX username, for example ssh


  • The ssh (secure shell) client putty

    • You can save hosts for later.
    • No graphics.
  • Windows Powershell terminal can also work

  • Windows command prompt can also work

  • Git bash

Using ssh with different terminals that allow for graphics

How do I know XQuartz has been installed?

As far as we know: you cannot check this directly: you will have to find out by running an application of Rackham that uses this. See below :-)

  • Start terminal (e.g. from Launchpad) or iTerm2 to run ssh:
$ ssh -X [username]

where [username] is your UPPMAX username and -X enables X forwarding. For example, if your UPPMAX username is sven, this would be ssh -X

How do I know XQuartz has been installed?

See SSH X forwarding.

Spoiler: use xeyes

  • Download and install ONE of the X-servers below (to enable graphics)

  • or...

  • Install a ssh (secure shell) program with built-in X11 and sftp file manager

    • MobaXterm
    • sftp frame makes it easy to move, upload and download files.
    • ... though downloading from remote host to local is usually easier.
    • tabs for several sessions
$ ssh -X [username]

where [username] is your UPPMAX username and -X enables X forwarding. For example, if your UPPMAX username is sven, this would be ssh -X


  • Or even better, create and save a SSH session, as shown in image below.
    • This allows you to use MobaXterm as a file manager and to use the built-in graphical texteditor.
    • You can rename the session in the Bookmark settings tab.
