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rsync on Rackham

rsync is a command-line tool for file transfer.

This page describes how to use rsync on Rackham.

Copy a folder from local to Rackham

flowchart LR
  local_computer[Your local computer\nRun rsync from here]

  local_computer --> |rsync| rackham

Copy a folder from a local computer to a Rackham home folder.

On your local computer, do:

rsync --recursive [folder_name] [user_name][user_name]/

For example:

rsync --recursive my_folder

The --recursive flag is used to copy a folder and all of its subfolders.

Copy a folder from Rackham to local

flowchart LR
  local_computer[Your local computer\nRun rsync from here]

  rackham --> |rsync| local_computer

Copy a folder from Rackham to your local computer.

On your local computer, do:

rsync --recursive [user_name][user_name]/[folder_name] [local_folder_destination]

For example:

rsync --recursive .

Where . means 'the folder where I am now'.