Data transfer to/from Rackham using Transit and SFTP¶
There are multiple ways to transfer data to/from Rackham.
Data transfer to/from Rackham using Transit is one of the ways ways to transfer files to/from Rackham
One can use SFTP to copy files between Rackham and Transit, from either Rackham or Transit.
Both ways are shown step-by-step below.
Basic sftp
command can be found here.
flowchart TD
%% Give a white background to all nodes, instead of a transparent one
classDef node fill:#fff,color:#000,stroke:#000
%% Graph nodes for files and calculations
classDef file_node fill:#fcf,color:#000,stroke:#f0f
classDef calculation_node fill:#ccf,color:#000,stroke:#00f
classDef transit_node fill:#fff,color:#000,stroke:#fff
subgraph sub_inside[SUNET]
direction LR
subgraph sub_transit_env[Transit]
transit_login(Transit login):::calculation_node
files_on_transit(Files posted to Transit):::transit_node
subgraph sub_rackham_shared_env[Rackham]
files_in_rackham_home(Files in Rackham home folder):::file_node
%% Shared subgraph color scheme
%% style sub_outside fill:#ccc,color:#000,stroke:#ccc
style sub_inside fill:#ccc,color:#000,stroke:#000
style sub_transit_env fill:#cfc,color:#000,stroke:#000
style sub_rackham_shared_env fill:#fcc,color:#000,stroke:#000
user --> |logs in |transit_login
transit_login --> |can use|files_on_transit
%% user_local_files <--> |graphical tool|files_in_rackham_home
%% user_local_files <--> |SCP|files_in_rackham_home
files_on_transit <==> |transfer|files_in_rackham_home
Overview of file transfer on Rackham The purple nodes are about file transfer, the blue nodes are about 'doing other things'. The user can be either inside or outside SUNET.