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Jupyter on Rackham

Jupyter on Rackham

There are multiple IDEs on the UPPMAX clusters, among other Jupyter. Here we describe how to run Jupyter on Rackham.

Jupyter is an IDE specialized for the Python programming language.


Prefer a video?

This procedure is also demonstrated in this YouTube video

1. Start a Rackham remote desktop environment

This can be either:

2. Start an interactive session

Within the Rackham remote desktop environment, start a terminal. Within that terminal, start an interactive node:

interactive -A [project_number] -t 8:00:00

Where [project_number] is your UPPMAX project, for example:

interactive -A sens2016001 -t 8:00:00
What is my UPPMAX project number?

See the UPPMAX documentation on how to see your UPPMAX projects

3. Load a Python module

Within the terminal of the interactive session, load a Python module

module load python/3.11.4
Forgot what the module system is?

See the UPPMAX pages on the module system here.

Can I use other Python modules?

Yes, you can use any module later than (and including) the python/3.10.8 module.

4. Start the Jupyter notebook

Still within the terminal of the interactive session, start a notebook like this:

jupyter-notebook --ip --no-browser

or jupyter lab:

jupyter-lab --ip --no-browser

Jupyter will show some IP address in the terminal, which you will need in the next step.

5. Browser to the Jupyter notebook

In the remote desktop environment on Rackham, start Firefox. Set Firefox to the URL addresses from the Jupyter output.

Can I start Firefox from the terminal too?

Yes, in another terminal, one can use:

firefox [URL]

where [URL] is a URL produced by Jupyter, for example:
