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There are multiple IDEs on the UPPMAX clusters, among other Jupyter. Here we describe how to run Jupyter.

Jupyter is an IDE specialized for the Python programming language.


  • You can run Python in a Jupyter-notebook, i.e. in a web interface with possibility of inline figures and debugging.
  • Jupyter-lab is installed in the python>=3.10.8 module


Always start Jupyter in a ThinLinc session and preferably in an interactive session.

Want to see a video?

If you want to see a video how to start Jupyter on Rackham, go here


Start a notebook like this:

module load python/<version>
jupyter-notebook --ip --no-browser

or jupyter lab:

jupyter-lab --ip --no-browser
  • copy-paste one of the URL addresses from the jupyter output in the terminal into the address files in the open firefox session.

  • Make Jupyter work in background, start Firefox with the copied URL address.

  • <ctrl-z>
  • bg
  • firefox <URL> &
    • Example firefox &