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Software and package installation

Install software yourself

Build from source


This guide might not work on all programs. Read the installation instructions for your program!

  • Download the program, with wget or by other means like git clone <https-URL to GITHUB repo>.
  • If the not cloning, unpack it with tar, gunzip or similar.
tar xvfz program.tgz

The below is more general again:

  • Read the installation instructions!
  • If Fortran or C or C++, load a compiler. Often you'll have less problems with gcc but intel gives faster code.
module load gcc
  • If applicable, do:
mkdir $HOME/glob/program_name
./configure --prefix=$HOME/glob/program_name
make test
make install
  • Try to find a test on the home page of the program or in the installation instructions and try to run it.

Packages and libraries to scripting programs

  • Python, R and Julia all have some centrally installed packages that are available from the modules.
  • R has a special module called R_packages, and some Machine Learning python packages are included in the python_ML_packages module.
  • If not found there you can try to install those by yourself.

Tip Python packages

  • Try Conda first directly on Bianca and PyPI on Rackham.
  • We have mirrored all major Conda repositories directly on UPPMAX, on both Rackham and Bianca. These are updated every third day.
  • If you want to keep number of files down, use PyPI (pip).
  • Also it is easier to get conflicting environments if using both Python module and Conda in parallel.


  • We have mirrored all major Conda repositories directly on UPPMAX, on both Rackham and Bianca. These are updated every third day.

Available Conda channels

  • bioconda
  • biocore
  • conda-forge
  • dranew
  • free
  • main
  • pro
  • qiime2
  • r
  • r2018.11
  • scilifelab-lts

Python packages with pip

R packages

  • On UPPMAX the module R_packages is an omnibus package library containing almost all packages in the CRAN and BioConductor repositories.
  • As of 2023-05-31, there were a total of 23100 R packages installed in R_packages/4.2.1.

    • A total of 23109 packages were available in CRAN and BioConductor, and 23000 of these were installed in R_packages/4.2.1
    • The additional 100 R packages available in this module were installed from the CRAN/BioConductor archives, or were hosted on github, gitlab or elsewhere.
  • Installing R packages

Julia packages

  • At UPPMAX there is a central library with installed packages.
  • This is good, especially when working on Bianca, since you then do not need to install via the wharf.
  • A selection of the Julia packages and libraries installed on UPPMAX are:

  • Installing julia packages



  • Containers let you install programs without needing to think about the computer environment, like
    • operative system
    • dependencies (libraries and other programs) with correct versions
  • Everything is included
  • Draw-backs
    • you install also things that may be already installed
    • therefore, probably more disk space is needed


See the UPPMAX Singularity user guide:


Docker will unfortunately not work on the clusters, since it requires root permission.

However, it is possible to convert a Docker script to a Singularity container.


  • The UPPMAX staff has already other ways to install most software applications.
  • Please use Spack only if other ways to install your tool is not possible or very difficult, e.g. requiring very many dependencies and it is not available through, e.g. Easybuild.
  • UPPMAX Spack user guide

Own development

Run own scripts or programs

Unless your script or program is in the active path, you run it by the full path or ./<file> if you are in the present directory.



  • You have got an overview of the procedures to install packages/libraries and tools on Bianca through the wharf
  • If you feel uncomfortable or think that many users would benefit from the software, ask the support to install it.