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There are many debuggers. This page described gdb, the GNU debugger.

gdb is a debugger provided with the GNU compilers. It works fine for C, C++ and Fortran. With older versions there were problems with fortran90/95.

Debugging GCC-compiled programs

In order to use gdb do the following. load a recent gcc module and a gdb module (system gdb is from 2013!).

module load gcc/10.3.0 gdb/11.2

compile your program with flags for debugging added, e.g. -ggdb

gcc -ggdb your-program.c -o your-program

run the gdb program:

gdb your-program

Then you can use the gdb commands, like run, break, step, help, ...

Exit with Ctrl+D.

Debugging Intel-compiled programs

In order to use gdb with Intel-compiled programs, do the following"

Load the icc module

module load intel/20.4

Compile your program with flags for debugging added, e.g. -g

icc -g your-program.c -o your-program

Run the gdb program:

gdb your-program

Then you can use the gdb commands, like run, break, step, help, ...

Exit with Ctrl+D.