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Create a Singularity container from a Singularity script using a website

There are multiple ways how to create a Singularity container.

This page shows how to do so using a website


1. Go to to Sylabs website

Go to the Sylabs website

How does that look like?

The Sylabs website looks similar to this:

The Sylabs website

2. Got to the Sylabs Singularity Container Services website

On the Sylabs website, click 'Products | Singularity Container Services'

Where to click?

Click here:

The Sylabs website

You will be takes to the 'Singularity Container Services'.

How does that look like?

The Singularity Container Services website looks similar to this:

The Singularity Container Services website

3. Sign in or sign up

At the 'Singularity Container Services' website, click 'Sign Up' or 'Sign In'

How does signing in look like?

Signing in looks similar to this:

Signing in to the Singularity Container Services

You are now logged in at the 'Singularity Container Services':

How does that look like?

The Singularity Container Services looks similar to this after logging in:

Logged in

4. Go to the remote builder

Click on 'Remote builder'.

Where to click?

Click here:

Here is where you can click on 'Remote builder'

5. Setup the remote builder

The remote builder shows a Singularity script and some default settings.

How does that look like?

The remote builder's default settings look similar to this:

The remote builder's default settings

Make the following changes:

  • paste your Singularity script in the text box
  • change Repository to a valid name (as indicated), for example, as default/my_container
How does that look like?

The remote builder with modified values looks similar to this:

Filled in values

6. Let the container be built

Click 'Submit Build'.

Where to click?

Click here:

Click 'Submit Build'

The building will start.

How does that look like?

A build that has just started looks similar to this:

Building in progress

After a while the building will be done.

How does that look like?

A build that has finished looks similar to this:

Building done

7. Download the container

There are multiple ways to download your Singularity container:

  • Download from the website: click on 'View image', then scroll down and click 'Download'
How does that look like?

Click on 'View image' here:

Click on 'View image'

The 'View image' page looks similar to this:

View image

At the 'View image' page, scroll down to find the 'Download' button:

View image and click on Download

  • Use a singularity pull

For example:

singularity pull library://sven/default/my_container
How does that look like?

For example:

$ singularity pull library://pontus/default/sortmerna:3.0.3
WARNING: Authentication token file not found : Only pulls of public images will succeed
INFO:    Downloading library image
 65.02 MiB / 65.02 MiB [=========================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 30.61 MiB/s 2s

8. Use the container

How to use a container, depends on what it does.

Here are some thing to try:

Run the container without arguments, in the hope of getting a clear error message with instructions:


Run the container in the hope of seeing its documentation:

./my_container.sif --help

Run the container on the local folder, in the hope of getting a clear error message with instructions:

./my_container.sif .