File transfer to/from Bianca using WinSCP¶
Download and install from UU Software Center.
You can also download the software from WinSCP website.
WinSCP is a secure file transfer tool that works under Windows.
To transfer files to/from Bianca using WinSCP, do the following steps:
Would you like a video?
If you like to see how to do file transfer from/to Bianca using FileZilla, watch the video here
To transfer files to/from Bianca using FileZilla, do the following steps:
1. Get inside SUNET¶
Forgot how to get within SUNET?
See the 'get inside the university networks' page here
2. Start WinSCP¶
Start WinSCP.
3. Create a new site¶
This may have changed as of 2025-02-05
If the step below does not work anymore, start the grace period and try again.
If it still fails, please contact UPPMAX support.
In WinSCP, click on 'Create new site'.
For that site, use all standards, except:
- Set file protocol to 'SFTP'
- Set host name to
- Set user name to
, e.g.sven-sens123456
- Do not set password! Provide your UPPMAX password followed immediately by the UPPMAX 2FA when asked by the interactive login.
How does that look like?
It looks like this:
4. Click 'Connect'¶
In WinSCP, click 'Connect'
You will be asked for your password with two-factor identification, hence
type [your password][2FA code]
, e.g. VerySecret123456
Now you can transfer files between your local computer and your wharf