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Using sftp with Bianca

sftp is a command-line program to transfer files to/from Bianca.


Would you enjoy a video?

A video showing how to sftp with Bianca can be found here.

1. Get inside of SUNET

Get inside of SUNET.

If needed, start the grace period.

2. Start sftp

sftp [user_name]-[project_id][user_name]-[project_id]


For example:


3. Supply password

sftp will ask for a password:'s password:

The password is your normal UPPMAX password directly followed by the six digits from the the UPPMAX 2-factor authentication. For example, if your password is VerySecret and the second factor code is 123456 you would type VerySecret123456 as the password in this step.

After typing in the password and 2FA one sees a welcome message and the sftp prompt.

How does that look like?

This is the welcome message:


You are connected to the bianca wharf (sftp service) at

Note that we only support SFTP, which is not exactly the
same as SSH (rsync and scp will not work).

Please see our homepage and the Bianca User Guide
for more information:

If you have any questions not covered by the User Guide, you are
welcome to contact us at

Best regards,
UPPMAX's password:
Connected to
How do I get rid of the welcome message?

Use sftp's -q (which is short for 'quiet') flag:

sftp -q

The last line, sftp> is the sftp prompt.

Once connected you will have to type the sftp commands to upload/download files. See the UPPMAX page on sftp how to do so.

With sftp you only have access to your wharf folder.