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File transfer to/from Bianca using a graphical tool

FileZilla connected to Bianca

FileZilla connected to Bianca


As a user, we need to transfer files between our local computer and Bianca. The many ways to transfer files to/from Bianca are discussed here. On this page, we learn how to transfer files to Bianca using a graphical tool/program.

There are constraints on which programs we can use, due to Bianca being an HPC cluster for sensitive data. Details are described in 'Bianca's constraints', here are graphical tools that work:

Tool Description
FileZilla All operating systems
WinSCP Windows-only

When using such a graphical tool, one needs to be inside of SUNET.

Forgot how to get within SUNET?

See the 'get inside the university networks' page here

When a tool is setup, one can only transfer files between you local computer and your Bianca wharf folder.

Bianca's constraints

flowchart TD

    %% Give a white background to all nodes, instead of a transparent one
    classDef node fill:#fff,color:#000,stroke:#000

    %% Graph nodes for files and calculations
    classDef file_node fill:#faf,color:#000,stroke:#f0f
    classDef calculation_node fill:#aaf,color:#000,stroke:#00f

    subgraph sub_inside[IP inside SUNET]
      subgraph sub_bianca_shared_env[Bianca shared network]
        subgraph sub_bianca_private_env[The project's private virtual project cluster]
          login_node(login/calculation/interactive node):::calculation_node
          files_in_wharf(Files in wharf):::file_node
          files_in_bianca_project(Files in Bianca project folder):::file_node
      user_local_files(Files on user computer):::file_node

    %% Shared subgraph color scheme
    %% style sub_outside fill:#ccc,color:#000,stroke:#ccc
    style sub_inside fill:#fcc,color:#000,stroke:#fcc
    style sub_bianca_shared_env fill:#ffc,color:#000,stroke:#ffc
    style sub_bianca_private_env fill:#cfc,color:#000,stroke:#cfc

    user --> |logs in |login_node
    user --> |uses| user_local_files

    %% As of 2023-12-22, using `**text**` for bold face, does not render correctly
    %% user_local_files <== "`**transfer files**`" ==> files_in_wharf
    user_local_files <== "transfer files" ==> files_in_wharf

    login_node --> |can use|files_in_bianca_project
    login_node --> |can use|files_in_wharf
    files_in_wharf <--> |transfer files| files_in_bianca_project

Overview of file transfer on Bianca, when using a graphical tool. The purple nodes are about file transfer, the blue nodes are about 'doing other things'. In this session, we will transfer files between 'Files on user computer' and 'Files in wharf' using a graphical tool, e.g. FileZilla

Bianca is an HPC cluster for sensitive data. To protect that sensitive data, Bianca has no direct internet connection. This means that files cannot be downloaded directly.

What is an HPC cluster again?

What an HPC cluster is, is described in general terms here.

Instead, one needs to learn one of the many ways to do secure file transfer.

Here, we show how to transfer files using a graphical tool called FileZilla.

In general, one can pick any graphical tools with these constraints:

  • the tool must support SFTP
  • the tool must not store a password

Whatever tool one picks, it must do secure file transfer. For secure file transfer, Bianca supports the SFTP protocol. So, for secure file transfer to Bianca, one needs a tool that supports SFTP.

Use SFTP ... and why users think incorrectly that SCP will work

Only SFTP will work. SCP will never work.

However, some users use tools that support SFTP, yet that have 'SCP' in the name, for example, 'WinSCP'. As users hear from colleagues that the tool 'WinSCP' works, they may incorrectly conclude that SCP will work.

SCP will never work. Only SFTP will work.

Whatever tool one picks, additionally, the tool must not store a password. Due to security reasons, one needs to connect to Bianca using a password and a two-factor authentication number (e.g. VerySecret123456). If a tool stores a password, that password will be valid for only one session.

One tool that can be used for file transfer to Bianca is FileZilla, which is described in detail below. The extra materials at the bottom of this page contain other tools.

File transfer overview

flowchart TD

    %% Give a white background to all nodes, instead of a transparent one
    classDef node fill:#fff,color:#000,stroke:#000

    %% Graph nodes for files and calculations
    classDef file_node fill:#fcf,color:#000,stroke:#f0f
    classDef calculation_node fill:#ccf,color:#000,stroke:#00f
    classDef transit_node fill:#fff,color:#000,stroke:#fff

    subgraph sub_inside[IP inside SUNET]
      subgraph sub_bianca_shared_env[Bianca shared network]
        subgraph sub_bianca_private_env[The project's private virtual project cluster]
          login_node(login/calculation/interactive node):::calculation_node
          files_in_wharf(Files in wharf):::file_node
          files_in_bianca_project(Files in Bianca project folder):::file_node
      user_local_files(Files on user computer):::file_node
      files_on_transit(Files posted to Transit):::transit_node
      files_on_other_clusters(Files on other HPC clusters):::file_node

    %% Shared subgraph color scheme
    %% style sub_outside fill:#ccc,color:#000,stroke:#ccc
    style sub_inside fill:#fcc,color:#000,stroke:#fcc
    style sub_bianca_shared_env fill:#ffc,color:#000,stroke:#ffc
    style sub_bianca_private_env fill:#cfc,color:#000,stroke:#cfc

    user --> |logs in |login_node
    user --> |uses| user_local_files
    user_local_files <--> |transfer files|files_in_wharf
    user_local_files <--> |transfer files|files_on_transit
    files_on_transit <--> |transfer files|files_in_wharf
    files_on_transit <--> |transfer files|files_on_other_clusters
    login_node --> |can use|files_in_bianca_project
    login_node --> |can use|files_in_wharf
    files_in_wharf <--> |transfer files| files_in_bianca_project

Overview of file transfer on Bianca The purple nodes are about file transfer, the blue nodes are about 'doing other things'.