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Prerequisites for using Rackham

To be allowed to log in to Rackham, one needs all of these:

These prerequisites are discussed in detail below.

An active research project

One prerequisite for using Rackham is that you need to be a member of an active SNIC or SIMPLER research project (these can have many names such as uppmax[number], snic[number] ornaiss[number]), where [number] represent a number, for example uppmax2021-2-1, snic2022-6-230 or naiss2023-6-382).

Forgot your Rackham projects?

How to see you research projects is described at research projects.

Spoiler: go to

SUPR (the 'Swedish User and Project Repository') is the website that allows one to request access to Rackham and to get an overview of the requested resources.

How does the SUPR website look like?

First SUPR page

First SUPR page

SUPR 2FA login

SUPR 2FA login. Use the SUPR 2FA (i.e. not UPPMAX)

After logging in, the SUPR website will show all projects you are a member of, under the 'Projects' tab.

How does the 'Projects' tab of the SUPR website look like?

Example overview of SUPR projects

Example overview of SUPR projects

To see if a project has access to Rackham, click on the project and scroll to the 'Resources' section. In the 'Compute' subsection, there is a table. Under 'Resource' it should state 'Rackham @ UPPMAX'.

How does the 'Resources' page of an example project look like?

The 'Resources' page of an example project

The 'Resources' page of an example project. This project has two compute resources and two storage resources.

Note that the 'Accounts' tab can be useful to verify your username.

How does the 'Accounts' tab help me find my username?

An example of a SUPR 'Accounts' tab

An example of a SUPR 'Accounts' tab. The example user has username sven-sens2023598, which means his/her UPPMAX username is sven

You can become a member of an active SNIC SENS by:

  • request membership to an existing project in SUPR
  • create a project. See the UPPMAX page on how to submit a project application here

An UPPMAX user account

Another prerequisite for using Rackham is that you must have a personal UPPMAX user account.

An UPPMAX password

Another prerequisite for using Rackham is that you need to know your UPPMAX password. See how to reset and set your UPPMAX password to do so.


Another prerequisite for using Rackham, but only for the Rackham remote desktop website) is to have an UPPMAX 2FA. See how to get an UPPMAX 2FA