Log in to SnowyΒΆ
There are multiple UPPMAX clusters one can log in to. Here we describe how to log in to Snowy
One needs to be allowed to use Snowy. These prerequisites describes what is needed before one can use Snowy.
To make Snowy do a calculation, one needs to log in to a Rackham login node, which is described here.
After login, you will be on a login node.
How to behave on a login node
On a login node, one can and should do simple things only: it is a resource shared with all other users on that node.
If you need to do more intense calculations, use the Slurm job scheduler.
If you need to do more intense calculations interactively, use an interactive session.
After logging in, one can
graph LR
subgraph "Snowy"
snowy_calculation_node[Calculation nodes]
subgraph "Rackham"
login_node[Login node]
login_node --> |interactive or sbatch| snowy_calculation_node