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Log in to Rackham's remote desktop via a webbrowser

Rackham's remote desktop environment

Rackham's remote desktop environment via a webbrowser

There are multiple ways to log in to Rackham. This page described how to log in to its remote desktop environment via a web browser.


This is a simple procedure with one step.

1. Go to

In a webbrowser, go to

  • In the first field, fill in your UPPMAX username, e.g. sven
  • In the second field, fill in your UPPMAX password (e.g. password and your UPPMAX 2FA (e.g. 123456) together, without a space (e.g. `password123456)

After login, you will be on a login node.

How to behave on a login node

On a login node, one can and should do simple things only: it is a resource shared with all other users on that node.

If you need to do more intense calculations, use the Slurm job scheduler.

If you need to do more intense calculations interactively, use an interactive node.


For tips on how to work with this environment, see the UPPMAX ThinLinc page (as that software is used to do the heavy lifting for that website).