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Log inΒΆ

One needs to log in into an UPPMAX cluster to use it.

There are two environments one can login to:

  • a remote desktop environment
    • using a webbrowser
    • using a local ThinLinc client
  • a console environment, using an SSH client

The Bianca environments

The two environments to work on Bianca. At the left is a remote desktop environment. At the the right is the console environment.

Because logging in differs between clusters, each cluster has its own login page:

Go to those pages for more details.

After login, you will be on a login node.

How to behave on a login node

On a login node, one can and should do simple things only: it is a resource shared with all other users on that node.

If you need to do more intense calculations, use the Slurm job scheduler.

If you need to do more intense calculations interactively, use an interactive session.

Other things to log in to, shown for completeness: