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wharf is a folder on Bianca used for file transfer on Bianca.

He it is described:

What is wharf?

The wharf is like a "postbox" 📮 for data/file exchange between the Internet restricted Bianca cluster and the remaining of the World Wide Internet. This "postbox" is reachable to transfer data from two internal servers - and

The wharf location

The path to this special folder is:



For example:


wharf use

To transfer data from/to Bianca, wharf is to folder where files are sent to/from.

Do not keep files in wharf, as this folder is connected to the outside world and hence is a security risk. Instead, move your data to your project folder.

You have full access to your wharf and read-only access to other users' wharf folders in that same project.

wharf is only accessible when inside the university networks.

Mounting wharf

Mounting wharf means that a wharf folder is added to the filesystem of your local computer, after which you can use it like any other folder. The data shown in the folder is on Bianca, not on your local harddisk.

One can mount wharf on your local computer using sshfs when inside the university networks. sshfs is available on most Linux distributions:

Distro Package name
Ubuntu sshfs
Fedora fuse-sshfs
RHEL7/CentOS7 [1] fuse-sshfs
RHEL8 [2] fuse-sshfs
CentOS8 [3] fuse-sshfs
  • [1] Enable EPEL repository
  • [2] Enable codeready-builder repository
  • [3] Enable powertools repository

UPPMAX does not have sshfs installed for security reasons.