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Webexport guide

You can enable webexport by creating a publicly readable folder called webexport in your project directory (/proj/[project id]). The contents of that folder will be accessible through[project id]/.

This will not work on Bianca for security reasons.

Publicly readable folder

  • A publicly readable folder has the execute permission set for "other" users.
  • Run the command chmod o+x webexport to ensure that the webexport directory has the correct permissions.

Control access

  • A subset of .htaccess/.htpasswd functionality is available to control access.

  • Example:

    • /crex/proj/naiss2024-1-123/webexport/Project_portal/.htaccess
    • /crex/proj/naiss2024-1-123/Nisse/.htpasswd

    • Note that you need the full physical /crex/proj... path. This full path is given from the command pwd -P.

see also

You may want to check the external Easy_webshare_on_UPPMAX while we update this page