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UPPMAX filesystem

One can store files on the UPPMAX clusters.

Here we show some common directories and best practices.

Directory name Description
backup A folder that is guaranteed to have a backup for 30 days
Home folder Your home folder, /home/[username], e.g. /home/sven
nobackup A folder without a backup
Project folder Your project folder, /proj/[project_name], e.g. /proj/snic2021-22-780
Wharf A Bianca-only folder for file transfer

Some folders do and some do not have a backup. See the UPPMAX documentation on 'backup' for details.

Best practices

Are there any horror story on this?

Yes, ask the UPPMAX staff :-)

  1. Keep an inventory of important data and make a plan for how it should be treated. Inform collaborators of this plan
  2. Make sure you keep a separate copy of the most important data
  3. Put important data in folders that have a backup
  4. Put intermediate/temporary data in a nobackup directory
  5. Run chmod -R -w . on directories containing critical data that should be preserved.