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Starting an interactive node on Bianca

Log in to Bianca via a terminal

This page describes how to start an interactive node on Bianca. See the general information on starting an interactive node on how to do so in general.

Prefer a video?

See the video Starting an interactive node on Bianca

To use an interactive node, in a terminal, type:

interactive -A [project name] -n [number_of_cores] -t [session_duration]


  • [project name] is your project name, for example sens2023598
  • [number_of_cores] is the number of core, for example 2
  • [session_duration] is the duration of the session, for example 8:00:00 for eight hours

For example:

interactive -A sens2023598 -n 2 -t 8:00:00

This starts an interactive session using project sens2023598 that uses 2 cores and has a maximum duration of 8 hours.

The script interactive has many same arguments as sbatch.

Forgot your Bianca projects?

One easy way to see your Bianca projects is to use the Bianca remote desktop login screen at

The Bianca remote desktop login screen

Has Bianca frozen?

It can take tens of minutes before an interactive node is allocated.

Bianca has not frozen, go ahead and have a coffee break :-)