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Slurm troubleshooting

When using Slurm, unexpected things may happen. This page describes Slurm errors.

Invalid account or account/partition combination specified

Full error message

sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Invalid account or account/partition combination specified

To reproduce

echo '#!/bin/bash' >> 
sbatch -A some_invalid_account 


As stated by the error message: you've used either:

  • an invalid account (for example, some_invalid_account in the example above)
  • an invalid combination of account and partition, for example using a Rackham account for a Snowy partition

Or, in less formal terms, you are using a NAISS project that is not an active UPPMAX project for that UPPMAX cluster.


  • View your NAISS projects and see if the project you used is indeed an active UPPMAX project that can be used on the cluster you expect
  • Use these in your scripts

ERROR 1: Invalid project

Full error message


sbatch: error: Errors in job submission:
sbatch: error: ERROR 1: Invalid project.
sbatch: error: Use the flag -A to specify an active project with allocation on this cluster.
sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Unspecified error```

### To reproduce

sbatch -A my_project


The order of the arguments is incorrect. The script to be submitted must be the last argument.


sbatch -A my_project