The job scheduler and the queueΒΆ
How does the queue work?
Let's look graphically at jobs presently running.
- x-axis: cores, one thread per core
y-axis: time
We see some holes where we may fit jobs already!
- Let's see which type of jobs that can fit!
4 one-core jobs can run immediately (or a 4-core wide job).*
- The jobs are too long to fit at core number 9-13.
A 5-core job has to wait.*
- Too long to fit in cores 9-13 and too wide to fit in the last cores.
Easiest to schedule single-threaded, short jobs
- You don't see the queue graphically, however.
- But, overall:
- short and narrow jobs will start fast
- test and development jobs can get use of specific development nodes if they are shorter than 1 hour and uses up to two nodes.
- waste of resources unless you have a parallel program or need all the memory, e.g. 128 GB per node