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Using Slurm on Rackham

This page describes how to use Slurm on Rackham.

What is Slurm?

See the general page on Slurm here

What is Rackham?

See the general page on Rackham here

See Slurm troubleshooting how to fix Slurm errors.

sbatch (and interactive) on Rackham

sbatch (and interactive) work the same as on other clusters, the only difference is that one need specify one want to use the Rackham computer nodes.

Want to start an interactive job?

See how to start an interactive job on Rackham here

Here it is shown how to submit a job with:

  • command-line Slurm parameters
  • Slurm parameters in the script

sbatch a script with command-line Slurm parameters

The minimal command to use sbatch with command-line Slurm parameters is:

sbatch -A [project_code] [script_filename]

where [project_code] is the project code, and [script_filename] the name of a bash script, for example:

sbatch -A uppmax2023-2-25
Forgot your Rackham project?

One can go to the SUPR NAISS pages to see one's projects,

Example of the Rackham project called 'UPPMAX 2023/2-25'

Example of the Rackham project called 'UPPMAX 2023/2-25'

On the SUPR NAISS pages, projects are called 'UPPMAX [year]/[month]-[day]', for example, 'UPPMAX 2023/2-25'. The UPPMAX project name, as to be used on Rackham, has a slightly different name: the account name to use on Rackham is uppmax[year]-[month]-[day], for example, uppmax2023-2-25

What is in the script file?

The script file is a minimal example script. Such a minimal example script could be:

echo "Hello"

Again, what is shown here is a minimal use of sbatch. See the general page on Slurm here.

sbatch a script with Slurm parameters in script

The minimal command to use sbatch with Slurm parameters in the script:

sbatch [script_filename]

where [script_filename] the name of a bash script, for example:


The script must contain at least the following lines:

#SBATCH -A [project_code]

where [project_code] is the project code, for example:

#SBATCH -A uppmax2023-2-25
Forgot your Rackham project?

One can go to the SUPR NAISS pages to see one's projects,

Example of the Rackham project called 'UPPMAX 2023/2-25'

Example of the Rackham project called 'UPPMAX 2023/2-25'

On the SUPR NAISS pages, projects are called 'UPPMAX [year]/[month]-[day]', for example, 'UPPMAX 2023/2-25'. The UPPMAX project name, as to be used on Rackham, has a slightly different name: the account name to use on Rackham is uppmax[year]-[month]-[day], for example, uppmax2023-2-25

A full example script would be:

#SBATCH -A uppmax2023-2-25
echo "Hello"

Again, what is shown here is a minimal use of sbatch. See the general page on Slurm here.