Compute nodes, Slurm and debugging jobs on Bianca¶
More Slurm and other advanced UPPMAX techniques¶
- A closer look at Slurm
- Using the GPUs
- Debugging
- Job efficiency with the
tool - Advanced job submission
The Slurm Workload Manager¶
- Free, popular, lightweight
- Open source:
- Available at all SNIC centres
- UPPMAX Slurm user guide
More on sbatch¶
sbatch | -A sens2023598 | -t 10:00 | -p core | -n 10 | |
slurm batch | project name | max runtime | partition ("job type") | #cores | job script |
More on time limits¶
- Format
-t dd-hh:mm:ss
Examples and variants on syntax
0-00:10:00 = 00:10:00 = 10:00 = 10
0-12:00:00 = 12:00:00
3-00:00:00 = 3-0
Job walltime¶
When you have no idea how long a program will take to run, what should you book?
A: very long time, e.g. 10-00:00:00
When you have an idea of how long a program would take to run, what should you book?
A: overbook by 50%
More on partitions¶
-p core
- “core” is the default partition
- ≤ 16 cores on Bianca
- a script or program written without any thought on parallelism will use 1 core
-p node
- if you wish to book full node(s)
Quick testing¶
- The “devel” partition
- max 2 nodes per job
- up to 1 hour in length
- only 1 at a time
-p devcore
,-p devel
Any free nodes in the devel partition? Check status with
sinfo -p devel
jobinfo -p devel
- more on these tools later
High priority queue for short jobs
- 4 nodes
- up to 15 minutes
Debugging or complicated workflows¶
Interactive jobs
- handy for debugging a code or a script by executing it line by line or for using programs with a graphical user interface
salloc -n 80 -t 03:00:00 -A sens2023598
interactive -n 80 -t 03:00:00 -A sens2023598
up to 12 hours
- useful together with the
--begin=<time> flag
salloc -A snic2022-22-50 --begin=2022-02-17T08:00:00
asks for an interactive job that will start earliest tomorrow at 08:00
Parameters in the job script or the command line?¶
- Command line parameters override script parameters
- A typical script may be:
Just a quick test:
Hands-on #1: sbatch/jobinfo
- login to Bianca
- find out which projects you’re a member of using projinfo
- submit a short (10 min) test job; note the job ID
- find out if there are any free nodes in the devel partition
- submit a new job to use the devel partition
- write in the HackMD when you’re done
Memory in core or devcore jobs¶
-n X
- Bianca: 8GB per core
- Slurm reports the available memory in the prompt at the start of an interactive job
More flags¶
-J <jobname>
- Don’t use. Set your email correctly in SUPR instead.
out/err redirection:
- by default, where %j will be replaced by the job ID
Monitoring jobs¶
- a wrapper aroundsqueue
- lists running and pending jobs
jobinfo -u username
jobinfo -A sens2023598
jobinfo -u username --state=running
jobinfo -u username --state=pending
You may also use the
command. -
(queued jobs of all projects)
Monitoring and modifying jobs¶
scontrol show job [jobid]
possible to modify the job details after the job has been submitted; some options, like maximum runtime, may be modified (=shortened) even after the job started
scontrol update JobID=jobid QOS=short
scontrol update JobID=jobid TimeLimit=1-00:00:00
scontrol update JobID=jobid NumNodes=10
scontrol update JobID=jobid Features=mem1TB
When a job goes wrong¶
scancel [jobid]
-u username
- to cancel all your jobs-t [state]
- cancel pending or running jobs-n name
- cancel jobs with a given name-i
- ask for confirmation
- The first job of the day has elevated priority
- Other normal jobs run in the order of submission (subject to scheduling)
- Projects exceeding their allocation get successively into the lower priority category
- Bonus jobs run after the jobs in the higher priority categories
In practice:
- submit early = run early
- bonus jobs always run eventually, but may need to wait until the night or weekend
- In detail: jobinfo
Hands-on #2: sbatch/squeue/scancel/scontrol/jobinfo
- submit a new job; note the job ID
- check all your running jobs
- what is the priority or your recently-submitted job?
- submit a new job to run for 24h; note the job ID
- modify the name of the job to “wrongjob”
- cancel your job with name “wrongjob”
Determining job efficiency¶
- custom-made UPPMAX tool
Job efficiency¶
- a tool in the fight for productivity- it works only for jobs longer than 5-15 minutes
-r jobid
- check running jobsA project
- check all recent jobs of a given projectp jobid
- produce a CPU and memory usage plot
Hands-on #3: jobstats
- Firstly, find some job IDs from this month
- Run
finishedjobinfo -m username
- Write down the IDs from some interesting jobs
- Generate the images:
Generate jobstats plots for your jobs
Look at the images
- Which of the plots
- Show good CPU or memory usage?
- Indicate that the job requires a fat node?
Different flavours of Slurm: Job script examples and workflows¶
Simple workflow¶
#SBATCH -J jobname
#SBATCH -A sens2023598
#SBATCH -p core
#SBATCH -n 10
#SBATCH -t 10:00:00
module load software/version
module load python/3.9.5
Job dependencies¶
submitted job with jobid1sbatch
submitted job with jobid2--dependency=afterok:jobid1:jobid2 job
will only start running after the successful end of jobs jobid1:jobid2- very handy for clearly defined workflows
- You may also use -
in case you’d like to resubmit a failed job, OOM (out of memory) for example, to a node with a higher memory:-C mem215GB
or-C mem512GB
I/O intensive jobs: $SNIC_TMP¶
#SBATCH -J jobname
#SBATCH -A sens2023598
#SBATCH -p core
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH -t 10:00:00
module load bioinfotools
module load bwa/0.7.17 samtools/1.14
export SRCDIR=$HOME/path-to-input
cp $SRCDIR/ $SRCDIR/bar.txt $SNIC_TMP/.
./ bar.txt
cp *.out $SRCDIR/path-to-output/.
OpenMP or multi-threaded job¶
#SBATCH -A sens2023598
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH -p node
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=20
#SBATCH -t 01:00:00
module load uppasd
sd > out.log
GPU nodes on Bianca¶
- Nodes with Nvidia A100 40 GB and 80 GB.
- All GPU nodes have at least 256 GB RAM (fat nodes) with 16 CPU cores and 2 GPUs per node.
- In order to avoid GPU misuse, a project cannot request more than 7 GPU nodes, in total.
- SBATCH options:
#SBATCH -C gpu
#SBATCH --gpus=2 #number of GPUs requested
#SBATCH --gpus-per-node=2 #number of GPUs per node
Running on several nodes: MPI jobs¶
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -J rsptjob
#SBATCH —mail-type=FAIL
#SBATCH -A sens2023598
#SBATCH -t 00-07:00:00
#SBATCH -p node
### for jobs shorter than 15 min (max 4 nodes):
###SBATCH --qos=short
module load RSPt/2021-10-04
srun -n 80 rspt
rm -f apts dmft_lock_file e_entropy efgArray.dat.0 efgData.out.0 energy_matrices eparm_last interstitialenergy jacob1 jacob2 locust.* out_last pot_last rspt_fft_wisdom.* runs.a symcof_new
Job arrays¶
- Submit many jobs at once with the same or similar parameters
- Use
in the script in order to find the correct path
#SBATCH -A sens2023598
#SBATCH -p node
#SBATCH -t 01:00:00
#SBATCH -J jobarray
#SBATCH --array=0-19
# SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID tells the script which iteration to run
cd /pathtomydirectory/dir_$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID/
srun -n 40 my-program
- You may use
to modify some of the job arrays.
Snakemake and Nextflow¶
- Conceptually similar, but with different flavours
- First define steps, each with an input, an output, and a command that transforms the input into output
- Then just ask for the desired output and the system will handle the rest
- Snakemake hackathon (re-occurring event)
- Nextflow training
Hands-on #4: make it your own
- use 2 or 3 of the sample job scripts as a starting point for your own job script
- tweak them so that you run something closer to your research; or just feel free to experiment
- paste at least one of the examples in the HackMD
- great if you could add a comment what the job script is about
Where to go from here?¶
- Code documentation
- NAISS training newsletter - software-specific training events included
- (bio)
- email or