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Rackham's design

Rackham is an (general-purpose) high-performance computing (HPC) cluster.

What is an HPC cluster?

What an HPC cluster is, is described here.

Or: Rackham is a group of computers that can effectively run many calculations, as requested by multiple people, at the same time. Rackham runs the Linux operating system and all users need some basic Linux knowledge to use Rackham.

Using Linux

Using Linux (and especially the so-called command-line/terminal) is essential to use Rackham. Learning the essential Linux commands is described here.

Folder structure

These are the most important folders on Rackham:

General name Example name Description Purpose
/home/[username] /home/sven Your home folder Small/general/personal things
/proj/[project_name] /proj/uppmax2025-2-262 Your project folder Work on your project here
/proj/[project_name]/nobackup /proj/uppmax2025-2-262/nobackup The folder of your project that has no backup Folder for intermediate/temporary files

To be able to retrieve (accidentally) lost files, Rackham has backups and snapshots.