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Manage you projects

Check the CPU hours of your project(s)

On an UPPMAX cluster

To get an overview of how much of your project allocation that has been used, please use the projinfo command. Please use the command projinfo -h to get details on usage.

Usage: projinfo [-OPTIONS [-MORE_OPTIONS]] [--] [PROGRAM_ARG1 ...]

The following single-character options are accepted:
        With arguments: -s -e -M
        Boolean (without arguments): -h -q -v -m -y
  • With no flags given, projinfo will tell you your usage during the current month.

  • Usage in project "testproj" during the current year: projinfo -y testproj

  • Usage in project testproj during the specified two months: projinfo -s 2010-02 -e 2010-03 testproj

Usage in your projects today until the moment you run the command: projinfo -s today


Log in to SUPR and view your projects there. You can also get information about usage levels, storage levels, membership, etc.


Display storage quota

  • Display your project quota with the command uquota:


How do I specify that I do not need my large datasets to be backed up?

How do I specify that I do not need my large datasets to be backed up?

If you create a folder named nobackup, inside any folder, then all data stored inside this folder will not be backed-up.

Simply move (mv or rsync) your data into a folder with the proper name.

Also note that all projects have a separate nobackup folder under the /proj/xyz/ hierarchy (and also under the /proj/xyz/private/ hierarchy) with a separate quota limit than the ordinary backed up project folder. You can read more about this in our disk storage guide.

What is this 'glob' folder in my home folder?
  • The glob directory found in your home has been deprecated since early 2017.
  • It is now a normal directory and shared your default 32GByte sized home.
  • The glob directory remains to not interfere with scripts who might reference ~/glob in the source code.

  • Historically, the glob directory was the main storage area for storage of user data.

    • It was shared by all nodes.
    • The directory was used for files needed by all job instances and could house files exceeding the quota of the home directory.
    • Job input and output files was (and can still be) stored here.


Check the current project members with:

projmembers <project-name>

If you want to check which members that presently belong to a certain (Linux) group you do:

getent groups <project name>